问题描述 这是一道二次注入题,注册完成后,应该登录然后修改密码,但是登录的时候出现: Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /var/www/html/Less-24/login.php:9) in /var/www/html/Less-24/login.php on line 11 Warning: Cannot modify h…
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at D:\orther object\phptest\session.php:1) in D:\orther object\phptest\session.php on line 2 1. 如果用dreamwever的话并使用utf-8编码,请在某个…
如果在执行php程序时看到这条警告:"Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ...." Few notes based on the following user posts:有以下几种解决方法: 1. Blank lines (空白行):Make sure no blank line after <?php ... ?> of the calling php scrīpt.检…
一般来说在header函数前不能输出html内容,类似的还有setcookie() 和 session 函数,这些函数需要在输出流中增加消息头部信息.如果在header()执行之前有echo等语句,当后面遇到header()时,就会报出 “Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ....”错误.就是说在这些函数的前面不能有任何文字.空行.回车等,而且最好在header()函数后加上exit()函数.例…