APPCORE Routine APIs】的更多相关文章

Introduction to APPCORE Routine APIs This chapter provides you with specifications for calling many Oracle E-Business Suite APIs from your PL/SQL procedures. Most routines in the APPCORE library are described here. Some APPCORE routines are described…
from: 理由:在操作层面详细的讲解了跨域的操作.尤其是对于option请求的详解.收藏. 在构建Public APIs的过程中,首先要解决的第一个问题就是跨域请求的问题. 网络应用安全模型中很重要的一个概念是“同源准则”(same-origin policy).该准则要求一个网站(由协议+主机名+端口号三者确定)的脚本(Script).XMLHttpRequest和Websocket无权去访问另一个网站的… What falls under the scope of ECMAScript? The JavaScript programming language is standardized by ECMA (a standards body like W3C) under the name ECMAScript. Among other things, ECMAScrip…
a method is named and attached to an object. so, for example, a method is like a function but is contained inside a class. its scope is limited to that class, and cannot affect variables outside that class, even global variables. if you need to affec…
Android 6.0 APIs In this documentSHOW MORE Fingerprint Authentication Confirm Credential App Linking Auto Backup for Apps Direct Share Voice Interactions Assist API Adoptable Storage Notifications Bluetooth Stylus Support Improved Bluetooth Low Energ…
swagger官网: swagger ui demo: 让API文档总是与API定义同步更新,是一件非常有价值的事. A Powerful Interface to your API Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API. With the largest ecosystem of API tooling on…
国庆后可能就要使用StrongLoop那套东西来做项目了 原文: Loopback是什么? Loopback是一个开源的Node.js API框架, 使用它你能很方便的创建REST API. 安装Loopback 可以直接使用npm安装Loopback 首先使用 npm install -g strongloop安装slc 命令行工具. slc命令行工具被用来创建. 接下来使用npm install -g loopba…
URLRedirector 解决网页上无法访问 google CDN 的问题(fonts.ajax.themes.apis等) 由于某些原因,在访问国外的网站时有时候会特别慢,像 stackoverflow 之类的网站,还会提示 javascript 被禁用?其实主要的问题是在于由于国外的网站使用了 google cdn 加载 ajax 等 javascript 库,而在国内的网络没法下载这些资源,导致浏览器出现各种古怪的问题.(可以通过浏览器的开发者工具中的网络查看功能,查看哪些内容没有加载)…
声明:原创作品,转载时请注明文章来自SAP师太技术博客( 博/客/园,并以超链接形式标明文章原始出处,否则将追究法律责任!原文链接: PROGRAM trans_routine. *--------------------------------------------------------------…
 Routine Problem time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Manao has a monitor. The screen of the monitor has horizontal to vertical length ratio a:b. Now he is going to watch a movie…