Binding a FlexLayout to a Collection In May we published a doc on the new FlexLayout control that’s present in Xamarin.Forms 3.0. FlexLayout is a versatile layout control that can arrange its children horizontally and vertically in a stack, and is…
提问:监控按钮的点击事件,可以通过按钮的Click事件,或者Command绑定,那么如何监控按钮的按下与抬起,或者移动,长按,双击等事件? 解决方法:各个平台自定义渲染依赖注入. 共享项目PCL: 1先定义一个继承Button的实体类NewButton.cs public class NewButton : Button { public event EventHandler Pressed; public event EventHandler Released; public virtual…
在实际的APP中,带有图标的按钮用到地方还是蛮多的,字体图标往往能更快更生动的传达信息,并且相对于背景图片,字体图标也有着绝对的优势,所以实现按钮的字体图标是值得尝试的. 实现方法:各平台自定义渲染按钮 PCL 添加名为Fonts.cs的类,作用各平台的字体文件(ios-android-uwp,ios字体文件不要后缀并且大写,安卓全称) public static class Fonts { public static string IconFont= Device.OnPlatform("Ic…