思路:直接离线处理出每个ai 的10倍, 100倍, 1000倍的mod k 后的数值的个数,使用map<int,int >ss[12]存储, ss[x][y]表示 (ai*10x)%k=y的个数,最后处理一下,自己拼接自己的情况. #include<iostream> #include<cmath> #include<map> using namespace std; #define LL long long ; int n, m, a[maxn]; ma…
D. Concatenated Multiples You are given an array aa, consisting of nn positive integers. Let's call a concatenation of numbers xx and yy the number that is obtained by writing down numbers xx and yy one right after another without changing the order.…
http://codeforces.com/contest/1029/problem/D You are given an array aa, consisting of nn positive integers. Let's call a concatenation of numbers xx and yy the number that is obtained by writing down numbers xx and yy one right after another without…
题意: 给定n个数字,和一个模数k,从中选出两个数,直接拼接,问拼接成的数字是k的倍数的组合有多少个. 思路: 对于a,b两个数,假定len = length of (b),那么a,b满足条件就是a * (len个10) + b 是k的倍数,相当于a * (len个10)% k + b % k = k: 那么我们可以预处理出每个数字%k的结果,用map计数.然后枚举每个数字,每个数字都有10种可能,因为len最大为10.每一次查找map中的数字要用find函数,不要用[]运算,find是二分,…