A website domain like "discuss.leetcode.com" consists of various subdomains. At the top level, we have "com", at the next level, we have "leetcode.com", and at the lowest level, "discuss.leetcode.com". When we visit…
题目标签:HashMap 题目给了我们一组域名,让我们把每一个域名,包括它的子域名,计数. 遍历每一个域名,取得它的计数,然后把它的所有子域名和它自己,存入hashmap,域名作为key,计数作为value. 最后遍历keyset,把计数和域名重新组合加入result,具体请看code. Java Solution: Runtime: 7 ms, faster than 99.54% Memory Usage: 36.4 MB, less than 99.04% 完成日期:03/15/2019…
一个网站域名,如"discuss.leetcode.com",包含了多个子域名.作为顶级域名,常用的有"com",下一级则有"leetcode.com",最低的一级为"discuss.leetcode.com".当我们访问域名"discuss.leetcode.com"时,也同时访问了其父域名"leetcode.com"以及顶级域名 "com". 给定一个带访问次数和…
Question 811. Subdomain Visit Count Example 1: Input: ["9001 discuss.leetcode.com"] Output: ["9001 discuss.leetcode.com", "9001 leetcode.com", "9001 com"] Explanation: We only have one website domain: "discuss.…
problem 811. Subdomain Visit Count solution: class Solution { public: vector<string> subdomainVisits(vector<string>& cpdomains) { vector<string> res; unordered_map<string, int> subdomain; ; for(auto cpdomain:cpdomains) { spaceI…
问题 该文章的最新版本已迁移至个人博客[比特飞],单击链接 https://www.byteflying.com/archives/3814 访问. 一个网站域名,如"discuss.leetcode.com",包含了多个子域名.作为顶级域名,常用的有"com",下一级则有"leetcode.com",最低的一级为"discuss.leetcode.com".当我们访问域名"discuss.leetcode.com&…
A website domain like "discuss.leetcode.com" consists of various subdomains. At the top level, we have "com", at the next level, we have "leetcode.com", and at the lowest level, "discuss.leetcode.com". When we visit…
题目要求 A website domain like "discuss.leetcode.com" consists of various subdomains. At the top level, we have "com", at the next level, we have "leetcode.com", and at the lowest level, "discuss.leetcode.com". When we…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 字典统计次数 日期 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/subdomain-visit-count/description/ 题目描述 A website domain like "discuss.leetcode.com" consists of various subdomains. At the to…
这是悦乐书的第320次更新,第341篇原创 01 看题和准备 今天介绍的是LeetCode算法题中Easy级别的第189题(顺位题号是811).像"discuss.leetcode.com"这样的网站域名由各种子域组成.在顶级,我们有"com",在下一级,我们有"leetcode.com",在最低级别,"discuss.leetcode.com".当我们访问像"discuss.leetcode.com"这样…