升级步骤1. 关闭balancer登陆mongos,执行sh.stopBalancer(),或者 连接到mongos>use config>db.settings.update( { _id: "balancer" }, { $set : { stopped: true } } , true ); 关闭balancer后,需检查是否还有migretion:If a migration is in progress, the system will complete the…
ES从1.2.1升级到1.4.0 升级步骤,基本上是按照官网的叙述来完成的,链接是:http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/setup-upgrade.html#_1_0_and_later,参考的内容如下: 1.0 and lateredit To back up a running 1.0 or later system, it is simplest to use the snapshot…
网上帖子一大堆,按照那些教程操作,确实可以成功安装.但是安装成功之后呢,pip还是用的python2的pip. 切换到python3的pip之后,发现无法下载模块,还会有很多报错信息.以及"require TLS/SSL, however the ssl module in Python is not avail"等等的错误.(文章最下面列出了安装过程中遇到的7类错误) 下面开始介绍闭坑的步骤: 操作系统: centos6. 一.正式安装前的准备工作: 1.重新安装openssl 详细…