SAP Using Text Modules in Adobe Forms】的更多相关文章

In this demo we will create an adobe form which displays text in two different languages (English or French) based on the given condition. This functionality is achieved by using TEXT MODULES in adobe forms.  Step1: Go to transaction SFP and create a…
Example is given below to validate a Text Item in Oracle Forms with specific rules condition which can be define at run time with the use of T-List item and When-Validate-Item trigger.   Below is the screen shot of this example form which can be down…
Below is the example to write file on client in Oracle Forms 10g with webutil library package.Note:  Webutil library must be attached to the form.DECLAREv_dir VARCHAR2(250) := 'c:\temp';ft_tempfile CLIENT_TEXT_IO.FILE_TYPE;beginft_tempfile := CLIENT_…
Highlight a Text Item in Oracle Forms With Visual Attribute It is very necessary to highlight the current cursor text item in data entry forms so that a user can easily notice the current item. Steps to highlight current item 1.   Create a visual att…
Xamarin 介绍 Xamarin是一套跨平台解决方案,目的是使用C#语言创造原生的iOS,Android,Mac和Windows应用. Xamarin的三个优势: Xamarin App拥有原生App的性能,因为最后生成的App中是使用的原生的控件和原生的API,所以它的体验和效率与原生App相近. 使用熟悉的C#语法,在Objective-C,Swift或者Java中能做的任何事情都可以用C#做到.除此之外,C#还有强大的IDE智能提示,lambdas语法,更自然的异步语法(Task.As…
先理解一下 RFC(Romote Function Call)远程函数调用 调用前提: 1.要想通过C# 通过RFC调用SAP端,SAP端要存在RFC远程调用的函数才行(例如SAP端通过SE37创建),要不然是无法调用的. 2.C#调用RFC要有NCO DLL支持(我们使用NCO3.0,VS2013,framework2.0才行否则会报错) 注:好多人64位系统,开发的时候报错,到处找支持64位的NCO3.0,这里可以说一下,是木有的,报错是困为Framework的原因.NCO3.0只支持2.0…
You can do Select, Cut, Copy and Paste operations on text items in Oracle Forms using Select_All, Cut_Region, Copy_Region and Paste_Region commands through right click popup menu.   In this example I created a popup menu which is associated with the…
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Net;using System.IO;using System.Text.RegularExpressions; usi…
In this article let us see how to create Context Menu in Windows Forms application using C# Introduction In this article we will see how to create Context Menu or Popup Menu or Shortcut menu in Windows Forms application with ContextMenuStrip control…
导读 1.用VS创建一个Windows Forms程序 2.分析上面的程序 3.Mediator pattern(中介者模式) 4.卡UI怎么办——BackgroundWorker组件 用VS创建一个Windows Forms程序 博主应为项目需要用的VS2005,所以这个系列的Windows Forms 特指Windows Forms 2.0. 打开VS2005 –> 建立 Windows应用程序,过程截图如下(其实这种简单的步骤,做C#开发都会) 拖拽一个Button 和 TextBox 控…