
1.简单描述Viewer Viewer类是cesium的核心类,是地图可视化展示的主窗口,cesium程序应用的切入口,扮演必不可少的核心角色. 官网的英文解析如下: A base widget for building applications. It composites all of the standard Cesium widgets into one reusable package. The widget can always be extended by using mixins…
By Daniel Du When working with View and Data API, you probably want to contain viewer into a <div> tag, the position and size of <div> can be defined with CSS. The HTML can be simple as below, a <div> tag as a container, the position and…
By Daniel Du With View and Data API, you can hide some elements in viewer by calling "viewer.hide(dbIds)", when the elements are hided, it actually make it transparent with a shallow mark to it, or make it ghosted. It is a nice feature as user p…
OpenNURBS 3DM Viewer Abstract. The openNURBS Toolkit consists of C++ source code for a library that will read and write a openNURBS 3D model file(.3dm). More than 400 software development teams and applications including Rhinoceros, exc…
By Daniel Du If you have not heard of View and Data API, here is the idea, the View & Data API enables web developers to very easily display 3D (and 2D) models on a WebGL-enabled browser. please read this one first and get a key from http://developer…
本文版权归cxun所有,如有转载请注明出处与本文链接,谢谢!原文地址: 不知大家在使用了Win10之后有没有这样感受,查看图片的默认程序由Win7的 Windows Photo Viewer 变成了 Photos 应用,按照微软的说法,后者替代前者必然有他们的理由,更好用?更强大?反正我是觉得除了让用户强制使用他们的照片库.增加自带的简单图片处理功能.共享功能之外,没有其它特别好的好处,而且习惯改变很大,特别是加…
ActiveReports中提供不同平台的报表浏览器来加载报表,而不同平台的报表浏览器功能也不一致,今天我们来学习如何定制Winforms Viewer控件. 预览效果: 核心代码: C# // C# private ToolStripButton tsbPrint = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton(); private void frmViewer_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Windo…
Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 Microsoft Help Viewer 2.0 Help Library 管理器 -Microsoft Help 查看器 打开VS 2010  ,选择菜单 帮助-管理帮助设置  提示:"为帮助内容存储区指定的位置无效或者您无权访问该位置" 选择联机帮助或本地帮助  可以用 其它  联机检查更新   联机安装内容  从磁盘安装内容  移除内容 都是灰色的 解决办法一:打开注册表,定位到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTW…
SCADA Viewer 什么是SCADA Viewer SCADA Viewer是一个基于Web的软件框架(基于Web的HMI/SCADA/M2M工业和楼宇自动化,支持Modbus,BACnet,OPC,SQL...),应用程序开发人员可以用它来构建轻量级的,完全定制的过程控制解决方案. SCADA Viewer提供:一个开放的具有无限的定制能力的系统.一个零管理客户端.主流.强大的客户端图形显示2D,3D(基于three.js).丰富的,透明的系统配置能力.跨越网络边界和防火墙工作的能力.构…
特点: 1.基于ArcGIS Viewer for Flex开发的一款跨平台的应用程序: -(IBAction) showTOC:(id)sender { if (_tocViewController == nil) { _tocViewController = [[TocViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"TocViewController" bundle:nil]; _tocViewController.tocDelegate = sel…