mysql The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes 是不支持全文索引,解决方案: 1.停掉mysql服务2.打开my.ini,搜索default-storage-engine= 你搜索到的应该是 default-storage-engine=INNODB 3.把INNODB改成MyISAM4.重新启动Mysql…
#1214 - The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes报此错误的原因是:InnoDB不支持FULLTEXT类型的索引. 网上的解决办法是:查看配置文件mysql.ini,搜索default-storage-engine= ,如果是InnoDB,改为MyISAM.重启MySQL服务. 打开mysql.ini文件一看,default-storage-engine=MyISAM就是默认的. 再次导入,还是提示:#1214 - The u…
-- -- Table structure for table `film_text` -- -- InnoDB added FULLTEXT support in 5.6.10. If you use an -- earlier version, then consider upgrading (recommended) or -- changing InnoDB to MyISAM as the film_text engine -- CREATE TABLE film_text ( fil…
For MyISAM tables, MySQL can create spatial indexes using syntax similar to that for creating regular indexes, but extended with the SPATIAL keyword. Currently, columns in spatial indexes must be declared NOT NULL. The following examples demonstrate…
原文: 这列很重要,显示了连接使用了哪种连接类别,有无使用索引. 从最好到最差的连接类型为const.eq_reg.ref.range.indexhe和ALL (1).system 这是const联接类型的一个特例.表仅有一行满足条件.如下(t3表上的id是 primary key) mysql> explain select * from (select * from…
type -- 连接类型 type意味着类型,这里的type官方全称是“join type”,意思是“连接类型”,这样很容易给人一种错觉觉得必须需要俩个表以上才有连接类型.事实上这里的连接类型并非字面那样的狭隘,它更确切的说是一种数据库引擎查找表的一种方式,在<高性能mysql>一书中作者更是觉得称呼它为访问类型更贴切一些. mysql5.7中type的类型达到了14种之多,这里只记录和理解最重要且经常遇见的六种类型,它们分别是all,index,range,ref,eq_ref,const.…
the default settings used by SQL Developer to convert data types from MySQL to Oracle. SQL Developer enables you to change the default setting for certain data types by specifying an alternative type. For information about changing the default data t…
explain 可以分析 select 语句的执行,即 MySQL 的“执行计划. 一.type 列   MySQL 在表里找到所需行的方式.包括(由左至右,由最差到最好): | All | index | range | ref | eq_ref | const,system | null |   ALL(所有) 全表扫描,MySQL 从头到尾扫描整张表查找行. mysql> explain select * from a\G ...         type: ALL 如果加上 limit…
1. Scenario description when I use sqoop to import mysql table into hive, I got the following error: // :: WARN hcat.SqoopHCatUtilities: The Sqoop job can fail if types are not assignment compatible // :: WARN hcat.SqoopHCatUtilities: The HCatalog fi…
use mysql: ALTER TABLE `proc` MODIFY COLUMN `comment` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL AFTER `sql_mode`; 具体原因请看:…