Even by using modules, they still share the same namespace. So you couldn’t have the same mutation name in different modules. Namespaces solve that by prepending the path of the module to the State, Getter, Action, and Mutation. This lesson shows how…
When the Vuex store grows, it can have many mutations, actions and getters, belonging to different contexts. Vuex allows you to split your store into different contexts by using modules. In this lesson we’ll see how can we split the store in multiple…
Mutations perform synchronous modifications to the state, but when it comes to make an asynchronous operation, they become useless. Actions are a higher layer on the Vuex pattern, which allow to call mutations asynchronously or even call multiple mut…
A Vuex store centralizes the state of your app, making it easy to reason about your state flow. In this lesson we’ll see how we can create a Vuex store using TypeScript and use it on you class-based component by using the @State decorator from Vuex C…
Sometimes we need to create modules at runtime, for example depending on a condition. We could even want to lazy load that module by using Webpack’s code splitting feature. For example, in current appliation, we are loading login and todos modules at…