June 6. 2018 Week 23rd Wednesday】的更多相关文章

You are confined only by the walls you build yourself. 限制你的只有你自己筑起的墙. From Andrew Murphy. Let's repeat this again and again: We are confined only by the walls we build ourselves. There are so many people, like me, always believe they ae trapped in si…
To be great, truly great, you have to be the kind of person who makes the others around you great. 要做到真正的伟大,你必须能够让周围的人变得伟大. From Mark Twain. We all want to be liked, loved and happy, some people make us feel valued, some people make us feel special,…
Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience. 要敢于冒险,你的经历是无可替代的. From Paulo Coelho. Each step may be a challenge. Each day can become a joy. No one can destroy an unstoppable spirit. The worst and the best is yet to come. To create awarenes…
Life is too short to miss out anything; try to take it slowly. 生命短暂,放慢脚步,别错过任何沿途的风景. From Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Just because life is too short, just because I don't intend to miss anything, I have to increase my pace, otherwise I would be left fu…
I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance. 除了自己的无知,我一无所知. Believe it or not, true wisdom exists in knowing that we really know nothing, we only have educated guesses. It is humble and honest to admit that we as merely mortal human beings do not…
Half is worse than none at all. 一知半解比一无所知更痛苦. From Westworld. If we go looking for the truth, get the whole thing, for half is worse than none at all. How to understand it? If half is really worse than none at all, how about stopping pursuing things…
Learn to let go and be clear of where you really want to head for. 学会放手,同时也要弄清楚自己的真正所爱. From Kissing a Fool. As an average man, and no longer young, I should focus my life in several goals that are the most likely to achieve, I am not a genius of all…
Don't criticize what you can't understand. 不懂的,不要随意批判. From Bob Dylan. Don't criticize what you can't understand, because you never walked in that man's shoes. Don't point your finger and criticize, because you have three fingers pointing right back…
You only get one shot; do not miss your chance to blow. 机会只有一次,不要错过. From Eminem, "Lose Yourself". If you have one shot, or one opportunity, please try best to seize everything you ever wanted. Would you capture it, or just let it slip? Sometime…
Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. 失败是让成功变美味的调味料. There are kinds of flavors in life, only we have experienced them, we will know the taste of the world, we will know what to be cherished and what to be avoided. Without failure,…