As virtualization shifts the network edge from top of rack switches to software virtual switches running on the hypervisors; visibility in the virtual switching layer is essential in order to provide network, server and storage management teams with…
Figure 1: Low latency software defined networking control loop The articles SDN and delay and Delay and stability describe the critical importance of low measurement delay in constructing stable and effective controls. This article will examine the d…
六.Libvirt 对于Libvirt,在启动虚拟机之前,首先需要define虚拟机,是一个XML格式的文件 列出所有的Instance # virsh list Id    Name                           State---------------------------------------------------- 10    instance-00000006              running # virsh dumpxml instance-000…
If you see a package or project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you! Contents Awesome Go Audio and Music Authentication and OAuth Command Line Configuration Continuous I…
Awesome Go      financial support to Awesome Go A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-python. Contributing Please take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first. Thanks to all contributors; you…
下载链接: Openvswitch实验教程 一.概论 Software Defined Network简介 OpenFlow简介 Openvswitch简介 二.架构 Openvswitch架构 实验一:查看Openvswitch的架构 Openvswitch数据库表结构 实验二:打印数据库表结构 三.Manager 实验三:设置Manager的TCP连接 四.SSL 实验四:设置SSL…
这一节,我们重点看sFlow 采样流sFlow(Sampled Flow)是一种基于报文采样的网络流量监控技术,主要用于对网络流量进行统计分析. sFlow系统包含一个嵌入在设备中的sFlow Agent和远端的sFlow Collector.其中,sFlow Agent通过sFlow采样获取本设备上的接口统计信息和数据信息,将信息封装成sFlow报文,当sFlow报文缓冲区满或是在sFlow报文缓存时间(缓存时间为1秒)超时后,sFlow Agent会将sFlow报文发送到指定的sFlow C…
一. Open vSwitch简介 1.1概述 Open vSwitch是一个高质量的.多层虚拟交换机,使用开源Apache 2.0许可协议,由Nicira Networks开发,主要实现代码为可移植的C代码. 它 的目的是让大规模网络自动化可以通过编程扩展,同时仍然支持标准的管理接口和协议(例如NetFlow, sFlow, SPAN, RSPAN, CLI, LACP, 802.1ag).此外,它被设计位支持跨越多个物理服务器的分布式环境,类似于VMware的vNetwork分布式vswit…
What is Open vSwitch? Open vSwitch is a production quality, multilayer virtual switch licensed under the open source Apache 2.0 license.  It is designed to enable massive network automation through programmatic extension, while still supporting stand… sFlow solutions consist of: Network equipment with sFlow Agents, which monitor network traffic and generate sFlow data. sFlow collectors (software or applian…