JavaScript: Advanced】的更多相关文章

DOM 1. 节点 getElementsByName方法 <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function getnum(){ var mynode = document.getElementsByName("myt"); alert(mynode.length); } </script> </head>…
Get more mileage from your console output by going beyond mere string logging - log entire introspectable objects, log multiple items in one call, and apply C-Style string substitution to make the console work for you. // Can accept multi args consol…
Learn a few advanced reduction patterns: flatten allows you to merge a set of arrays into a single array, the dreaded flatmap allows you to convert an array of objects into an array of arrays which then get flattened, and reduceRight allows you to in…
Something like 'for' or 'while', 'if', they don't create a new scope: ,,]; ; i < ary.length; i++){ var greeting = "Hello"; var times = i; } console.log(i); console.log(times); console.log(greeting); // Hello Everyting written in for loop can…
Take away: Always check you ruturn the accumulator Always pass in the inital value var data = ["vote1", "vote2", "vote1", "vote2"]; var reducer = function(acc, value){ if(acc[value]){ acc[value] = acc[value] + 1; }e…
Sometimes we need to turn arrays into new values in ways that can't be done purely by passing an accumulator along with no knowledge about its context. Learn how to reduce an array of numbers into its mathematical mean in a single reduce step by usin…
Learn how to use array reduction to create functional pipelines by composing arrays of functions. const increase = (input) => { return input + 1; } const decrease = (input) => { return input - 1; } const double = (input) => { return input * 2; }…
这些URI方法encodeURI.encodeURIComponent().decodeURI().decodeURIComponent()代替了BOM的escape()和unescape()方法. URI方法更可取,因为它们对所有Unicode符号编码,而BOM方法只能对ASCII符号正确编码.尽量避免使用escape()和unescape()方法. ---摘自 javascript advanced book. js对文字进行编码涉及3个函数:escape.encodeURI.encodeU…
这些URI方法encodeURI.encodeURIComponent().decodeURI().decodeURIComponent()代替了BOM的escape()和unescape()方法.URI方法更可取,因为它们对所有Unicode符号编码,而BOM方法只能对ASCII符号正确编码.尽量避免使用escape()和unescape()方法.摘自 javascript advanced book. js对文字进行编码涉及3个函数:escape,encodeURI,encodeURICom…
原文: 这是我所知道的最完整最简洁的JavaScript基础教程. 这篇文章带你尽快走进JavaScript的世界——前提是你有一些编程经验的话.本文试图描述这门语言的最小子集.我给这个子集起名叫做“JavaScript简易教程”,并推荐准备深入阅读细节和高级技巧之前的新手阅读.心急吃不了热豆腐.文章的最后提出如何进一步学习. 警告:下面是我所描述的规则集和最佳实践.我喜欢整洁清晰(例如,你可以随时通…