[Angular 2] Import custom module】的更多相关文章

The application structure: in app.module.ts: import { NgModule} from "@angular/core"; import {BrowserModule} from "@angular/platform-browser"; import {AppComponent} from './app.component'; import {HomeModule} from './components/home/ho…
We have a form component: <label> <h3>Type</h3> <workout-type formControlName="type" ></workout-type> </label> form = this.fb.group({ name: ['', Validators.required], type: 'strength' }); constructor( private…
ou can mix require and export. You can't mix import and module.exports.…
最近做项目需要用java调用python,配置了jython后,运行了例子代码: 获得一个元组里面的元素: import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter; public class FirstJavaScript { public static void main(String args[]) { PythonInterpreter interpreter = new PythonInterpreter(); interpreter.exec("days=('…
import script module .mjs <script type="module"> import {addTextToBody} from './utils.mjs'; addTextToBody('Modules are pretty cool.'); </script> // utils.mjs export function addTextToBody(text) { const div = document.createElement('d…
Also check: directive for form validation User input validation is a core part of creating proper HTML forms. Form validators not only help you to get better quality data but they also guide the user through your form. Angular comes with a series of…
在这一步中您将学到如何创建您自己的展示过滤器. ·在先前的步骤中,细节页面展示“true”或“false”来显示某部电话是否有某项功能.在这一步中,我们将使用自定义的过滤器来将这些个字符串转化成符号:✓ 代表“true”, ✘代表“false”. 让我们看看过滤器代码看起来是什么样的. 最重要的改变展示如下,您可以点击这里在GitHub上查看全部的不同. checkmark过滤器 由于这个过滤器是大众化的(比如:它没有指向任何视图或组件),我们打算将其在一个core模块中注册,该模块包含了“广泛…
User input validation is a core part of creating proper HTML forms. Form validators not only help you to get better quality data but they also guide the user through your form. Angular comes with a series of built-in validators such as required or ma…
Found the way to handle Auxiliary router for lazy loading moudle and erge load module are different. In Erge loading, it is recommended to create a shell component, inside shell component you need to define the router-outlet for each Auxiliary routes…
For example we want to create a pipe, to tranform byte to Mb. We using it in html like: <div> <div *ngFor="let file of files"> <p>{{ file.size | filesize: 'MB' }}</p> </div> </div> Create pipe: import {Pipe, P…