
Helpers\Database The database class is used to connect to a MySQL database using the connection details set in the app/Config.php. The constants (DB_TYPE, DB_HOST, DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASS) are used to connect to the database, the class extends PDO,…
Helpers\TableBuilder Table builder helper is a class that would help you to create tables in MySQL (primarily) without really going into details of SQL query. Features Table builder allows you to add rows, aliases, set primary key, default values, ta…
Database API Introduction Basic Usage Selects Joins Aggregates Raw Expressions Inserts Updates Deletes Unions Introduction An improved Database API was recently added, which includes a QueryBuilder and a simple but powerful Model. Everything regardin…
Validation A simple but powerful Validation Engine, in a Laravel-esque style. Its Validation Rules and the basic usage are similar with Illuminate\Validation v4.x, but no Files Validation support. To note that it use the new Database API for verifica…
Authentication Introduction Configuration Storing Passwords Authenticating Users Basic Usage Introduction All the classes of the Auth system live in the namespace Auth and is implemented as a reference structure for User Authentication in the \App\ n…
Models Models control the data source, they are used for collecting and issuing data, this could be a remote service, as XML, JSON or using a database to get and fetch records. A Model is a class. The model needs to extend the parent Model, either th…
Helpers\Password The password class uses php 5 password_ functions. To create a hash of a password, call the make method and provide the password to be hashed, once done save the $hash. $hash = Password::make($password); When logging in a user their…
Helpers\FastCache phpFastCache is a high-performance, distributed object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load. FastCache is built on top of phpFastCache. Its usag…
The goal of this tutorial is to demonstrate how you can create custom HTML Helpers     that you can use within your MVC views. By taking advantage of HTML Helpers, you can reduce the amount of tedious typing of HTML tags that you must perform to crea…
概述: Room是Google在AndroidX中提供的一个ORM(Object Relational Mapping,对象关系映射)库.它是在SQLite上提供的一个抽象层,可以使用SQLite的全部功能,同时可以更好更便捷流畅地访问数据库.(关于AndroidX可以参考,Android_AndroidX简介&Junit4: 推荐使用Room而不是直接使用SQLite,官方的说明如下:…