使用Libusb测试USB device】的更多相关文章

源:基于libUSB的USB设备固件更新程序(下载数据) 本文紧接上一篇日志:基于libUSB-Win32的USB设备固件更新程序(前言),相关背景以及起因等,此处不再赘述,如感兴趣请移步. libUSB-Win32给出的example里面,有一个bulk.c文件,分析其关键代码,结合libusb官方文档,摘出其关键代码如下: int main(void) { usb_dev_handle *dev = NULL; /* the device handle */ usb_init(); /* i…
目录 USB device USB controller Linux 相关命令 Python 相关库 Libvirt USB passthrough 参考资料 近期往 openstack 里倒腾 USB passthrough[1],遂把 USB 知识做较为全面的整理,以供分享. USB device 什么是 USB device, 上图机智的小萌狗就是 USB device,你的鼠标是 USB device, 键盘是 USB device,U 盘更是典型的 USB device.说了这么多例子…
USB devices are anywhere nowadays, even many embedded devices replace the traditional serial devices with usb devices. However, I experienced that USB devices hang from time to time. In most cases, a manual unplug and replug will solve the issue. Act…
发表于2015/6/23 21:55:11  4594人阅读 最近在做关于usb设备的项目,用到了libusb,发现关于这个的函数库的介绍,讲解很少,下面仅仅是简单展示一些基本的使用方法,以备后用. 本人的系统ubuntu,首先 sudo apt-get install libusb-dev sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev 安装libusb开发环境,这个函数库的函数基本上定义在libusb-1.0/libusb.h里,因此,使用时需要引用头文件#inc…
大家好,我是痞子衡,是正经搞技术的痞子.今天痞子衡给大家介绍的是通过USB Device Path来唯一指定i.MXRT设备进行ROM/Flashloader通信. i.MXRT系列高性能微控制器从2018年发布至今已有2年多了,如今这个家族系列已经完全开枝散叶了(RT500/600/1010/1020/1050/1060/1170),型号从入门到高阶铺得挺齐全(当然仍在继续发展),很多i.MXRT客户项目也已经处于量产阶段了. 关于量产,除了使用第三方独立Flash烧录器/编程器之外,也可以使…
Slax is a modern, portable, small and fast Linux operating system with a modular approach and outstanding design. Despite its small size, Slax provides a wide collection of pre-installed software for daily use, including a well organized graphical us…
http://community.silabs.com/t5/Interface-Knowledge-Base/Windows-USB-Device-Path/ta-p/114059 Windows operating systems rely on a unique device path to uniquely identify each USB device/interface connected to the system. A device path string is used to…
http://www.velleman.eu/images/tmp/usbfind.c #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include <windows.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <setupapi.h> #include <initguid.h> #include <stdio.h> // This is the GUID for the U…
Example Assigning Host USB device to a Guest VM This example is based on qemu-kvm (0.15.0) as installed in Fedora 15. Will first show how to do this manually, and second how to do it using the virt-manager tool. This HOWTO is limited to UHCI devices…
S3C2440的数据手册将USB功能分为两章--usb host和usb device.具体什么意思呢? usb host: 微处理器作为usb主设备,可以挂接U盘之类的从属设备. usb device: 微处理器作为usb从属设备,其常用作接受PC机发送的命令. 参考网页:USB Host和USB Device的区别…