windows Compiler toolchain env】的更多相关文章

--cpu=name This option enables code generation for the selected ARM processor or architecture. Syntax --cpu=name Where: name is the name of a processor or architecture. If name is the name of a processor, enter it as shown on ARM data sheets, for exa…
(ll_env) E:\python\learning_log>django-admin.pyAccess is denied. 这个是路径的问题,默认的文件获取路径没能正常获取文件 我使用绝对路径就解决了这个问题 我使用的命令如下, (ll_env) E:\python\learning_log>python C:\Users\baker\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-\Scripts\ startproject…
Node.js 在安装模块的时候报错,缺少python环境. ERR! configure error gyp ERR! stack Error: Can't find Python executable "python", you can set the PYTHON env variable. 错误信息如下: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 D:\node_modules\selenium-webdriver\node_modules\ws\node_modu…
codeblock安装后,提示cant find compiler executable in your configured search paths for GNU GCC Compiler 可能的情况有两个: 1)安装的是不带编译器的版本 2)安装了带编译器的版本,但是没有指定正确的路径. 解决办法: 对于第一种情况,直接在官网下载带有编译器的版本:  官网链接: { 或者下载MinGW-w64:h…
Windows 上的 C++ 编译器主要有: MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows) TDM-GCC (TDM 是 Twilight Dragon Media 的缩写) Mingw-w64 (A Windows compiler suite combining the most recent GCC compiler with the free and open-source MinGW or MinGW-w64 runtime APIs.) MSVC (the M…
CUDA是NVIDIA的GPU开发工具,眼下在大规模并行计算领域有着广泛应用. windows平台上面的CUDA开发之前.最好去NVIDIA官网查看说明,然后下载对应的driver. ToolKits等等. 假设你下载最新版本号的CUDA7.0.里面事实上已经包括了driver及Tool kits. 特别要注意:目标最高版本号为CUDA7.0.仅支持64位系统(32位没法安装CUDA 7.0 Tool Kits).另外,VS编译平台最低要求是VS2010. So,那些依旧用VC6或者VS2008…
Embarcadero is about to release a new Delphi compiler for the Linux platform. Here are some of the key technical elements of this compiler, and the few differences compared to Delphi compilers for other platforms. Embarcadero is about to release a ne…
OpenSSL for Windows In earlier articles, we have looked at how to create a gcc build environment on Windows, and also how tocompile binaries for Windows on Linux, using the MinGW-w64 suite to be able to support native 64-bit Windows builds. But in or…
下载链接: 1.文件下载 官网注册后,选择MKL下载下来,安装到指定目录就行,不在多说. 2.配置文件 首先创建一个Windows桌面项目,再添加一个CPP源文件. 打开项目属性页--配置属性,会多出Intel Performance...这一项,看下图配置 在打开VC++目录,进行配置.我安装MKL的地方在D:\IntelSWTools 打开D:\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2…