摘自圣典的一段翻译: ForceAdd a continuous force to the rigidbody, using its mass.添加一个可持续力到刚体,使用它的质量.AccelerationAdd a continuous acceleration to the rigidbody, ignoring its mass.添加一个可持续加速度到刚体,忽略它的质量.ImpulseAdd an instant force impulse to the rigidbody, using…
在根运动打开时,施加AddForce,速率在后面几帧被清0了: 没有打开根运动AddForce的情况: unity论坛看了下,似乎有人遇到这个问题,而且无解.只能受力状态下关闭根运动 Q:Im working on a new title right now and I wanted to try out mecanim. I've watched its tutorial and it is indeed impressive to see how easily such motion is…