Views are a useful feature of SQL databases, letting us create virtual tables based on SQL select statements. PeopleSoft 8 provides the functionality to create dynamic views. These are essentially SQL statements executed on the fly by the PeopleSoft…
Sometimes a situation in project work arises to have a dynamic prompt table for record fields on PeopleSoft pages. In PeopleSoft itself dynamic prompt table functionality is utilized to a great extent. So, the question is: How to achieve the same?? W…
ViewData属性 ViewData属性是System.Web.Mvc.ControllerBase中的一个属性,它相当于一个数据字典.Controller中向该字典写入数据,ViewData[“Key”]=data;View中从该字典中获取数据 int data=ViewData[“Key”].从ViewData中获取到的数据是object类型,必须强制类型转换. // // 摘要: Gets or sets the dictionary for view data. // 返回结果: Th…
监控作业发现一台服务器(Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.7)从凌晨1:32开始,有一小段时间无法响应,数据库也连接不上,后面又正常了.早上检查了监听日志,并没有发现错误信息.但是检查告警日志,发现有下面错误信息: Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 19749 (LGWR switch) Current log# 2 seq# 19749 mem# 0: /u01/oradata/epps/redo02.lo…
Chapter 1 Fundamentals of MVC Microsoft's Web Development Platforms Understanding the past can be a big help in appreciating the present. 1.ASP asked for features such as improved code reuse,better separation of concerns,and easier application… Get a List of Keys From a Dictionary in Both Python 2 and Python 3 It was mentioned in an earlier post that there is a difference in how the keys() operation behav…
Dictionary view objects简介 The objects returned by dict.viewkeys(), dict.viewvalues() and dict.viewitems() are view ob- jects. They provide a dynamic view on the dictionary's entries, which means that when the dictionary changes, the view reflects the…