Events and the event loop Being an event-driven toolkit, events and event delivery play a central role in Qt architecture. In this article we'll not give a comprehensive coverage about this topic; we'll instead focus on some thread-related key concep…
The Event System Each thread can have its own event loop. The initial thread starts its event loops using QCoreApplication::exec(); other threads can start an event loop using QThread::exec(). Qt signals (…
What's Ryu? Ryu is a component-based software defined networking framework. Ryu provides software components with well defined API that make it easy for developers to create new network management and control applications. Ryu supports various protoc…
A basic Windows service in C++ (CppWindowsService) This code sample demonstrates creating a basic Windows Service application in VC++ 下载 C++ (776.9 KB) 评级 (14) 已下载49,480 次 收藏夹添加到收藏夹 需要 Visual Studio 2008 上次更新日期2012/3/2 许可证 MS-LPL 共享…