Official Documents】的更多相关文章

1. Docker Installation 2. Docker hub…
From the previous posts, I have analysed 4 different Docker multi-host network solutions - Calico, Flannel, Weave and Docker Overlay Network. You can see more details on how to install, config and tune features of them from previous posts: Calico: A…
Oracle EBS R12 (12.1.3) Installation Linux(64 bit) Contents Objective. 3 1 Download & Unzip. 3 Download. 3 Unzip. 3 MD5 Checksums. 4 2 Pre-Install Task. 5 Disk Space. 5 Specific Software Requirements. 5 RPM... 6 JDK. 8 OS User & Group. 11 3 Instal…
原文地址: 1, the replication process Mysql replication (replication) is an asynchronous replication, from a Mysql instace (called Master) to another Mysql instance (call it Slave). Implement the copy…
原文: GIL是什么 首先需要明确的一点是GIL并不是Python的特性,它是在实现Python解析器(CPython)时所引入的一个概念.就好比C++是一套语言(语法)标准,但是可以用不同的编译器来编译成可执行代码.有名的编译器例如GCC,INTEL C++,Visual C++等.Python也一样,同样一段代码可以通过CPython,PyPy,Psyco等不同的Python执行环境来执行.像其中…
Menu Main Resources Books Websites Documents Archives Community Blogs Personal Blogs Videos Related Projects OS Virtual Machine Competitors Management Tools Paas Platforms Integration Projects Monitoring Networking Continuous Integration Development…
最近由于项目需要在研究spark相关的内容,形成了一些技术性文档,发布这记录下,懒得翻译了. There are some spaces the official documents didn't explain very clearly, especially on some details. Here are given some more explanations base on the practices  I did  and the source codes I read these…
原文 To help all the "unattended people" out there, I provide a part of my "winnt.sif" for unattended setu…
ref: 23.1. Introduction Very broadly speaking, you can divide programming languages into 4 classes. At the lowest level is machine code: raw numbers that the CPU decodes into instructions to execute. One step u…
在刚接触Python的时候时常听到GIL这个词,并且发现这个词经常和Python无法高效的实现多线程划上等号.本着不光要知其然,还要知其所以然的研究态度,博主搜集了各方面的资料,花了一周内几个小时的闲暇时间深入理解了下GIL,并归纳成此文,也希望读者能通过次本文更好且客观的理解GIL. GIL是什么 首先需要明确的一点是GIL并不是Python的特性,它是在实现Python解析器(CPython)时所引入的一个概念.就好比C++是一套语言(语法)标准,但是可以用不同的编译器来编译成可执行代码.有…