In a proper unit test we want to isolate external dependencies as much as possible to guarantee a reliable test outcome. Http calls represent such external dependencies. Therefore, when testing our Angular components or services that rely on data ret…
import { Http, Response, ResponseOptions } from '@angular/http'; import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { BrowserDynamicTestingModule, platformBrowserDynamicTesting } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing'; import { Observa…
The way to test router componet needs a little bit setup, first we need to create a "router-stubs.ts". This file is a helper file. // export for convenience. export { ActivatedRoute, Router, RouterLink, RouterOutlet} from '@angular/router'; impo…
When you testing Component rendering, you often needs to call: fixture.detectChanges(); For example: it('should display original title', () => { fixture.detectChanges(); expect(el.textContent).toContain(comp.title); }); it('should display a different…
When using Ngrx, we need to know how to test the component which has Router injected. Component: import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {FormGroup} from '@angular/forms'; import {Store} from '@ngrx/store'; import * as fromAuth from '../../re…
If sometime you want to log out the comonent html to see whether the html render correctly, you can do : import {TestBed, async, ComponentFixture} from '@angular/core/testing'; import {AppComponent} from './app.component'; import {AuFaInputComponent}…
import {ComponentFixture, TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing'; import {BrowserDynamicTestingModule, platformBrowserDynamicTesting} from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing'; import {StockCounterComponent} from './stock-counter.component'; Te…
import { TestBed, ComponentFixture } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { BrowserDynamicTestingModule, platformBrowserDynamicTesting } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing'; import { FileSizePipe } from './file-size.pipe'; import {Compon… Testing Controller Testing $httpbackend Testing Service…
// backend test beforeEach(inject(function (_$compile_, _$httpBackend_, _$rootScope_, _$state_, _AnnouncementsService_, _CONFIG_) { compile = _$compile_; $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_; $scope = _$rootScope_.$new(); AnnouncementsService = _Announcemen…
Both what "TestBed.get" & "injector" trying to do is get service for the test component. But there is some diffenece which determined when use which. Register the service:  You need to mock the service, not using the real service!…
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core'; @Pipe({ name: 'filesize' }) export class FileSizePipe implements PipeTransform { transform(size: number, extension: string = 'MB') { return (size / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(2) + extension; } } import…
external testing strategy ✅ the service integration test✅ introduce VCR✅ Client Unit Tests ❌ Why an Adapter? Testing for Error Cases Smoke Tests and VCR Options 冒烟测试!…
HTML: <div ng-focus="vm.onFocus(month)", aria-focus="{{vm.focus == month}}", ng-keydown="vm.onKeydown($event, month)"> Component Controller: onKeydown(e, num) { switch(e.which) { : // enter : { // Space e.preventDefault…
Recently I am blocked by a very weird issue, from the VS installed machine, I can run performance testing which was distributed to multiple test agents successfully, but if try to run API testing, it is always failed, I have tried run in VS and also…
<div> <h2>{{vm.userInfo.number}} - {{}}</h2> </div> 'use strict'; class CardTitleInformCtrl { constructor() { } } function CardTitleInformDirective() { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: {}, bindToController: { userInf…
The component test: describe('The component test', () => { let component, $componentController, $controller, $injector, $scope; beforeEach(module("componennts.module")); beforeEach(inject((_$componentController_, _$controller_, _$injector_, _…
Epics can be unit-tested just like any other function in your application - they have a very specific set of inputs (the action$ stream) and the output is always an Observable. We can subscribe to this output Observable to assert that the actions goi…
Android tests are based on JUnit, and you can run them either as local unit tests on the JVM or as instrumented tests on an Android device. This page provides an introduction to the concepts and tools for building Android tests. // Android的测试基于JUnit…
Software Testing Part I:The Big Picture 1.Software Testing Background Bug's formal definition 1.The software doesn't do something that the product specification says it should do. 2.The software does something that the product specification says it s…
目录(?)[-] Android automated testing 1 How to test Android applications Tip 2 Unit tests vs functional tests 3 JUnit 3 4 Running tests on a server without display Test hooks into the Android framework 1 Instrumentation 2 How the Android system executes…
The test application demonstrates these key points: An Android test is itself an Android application that is linked to the application under test by entries in its AndroidManifest.xml file. //一个Android的测试本身是由被测项目在AndroidManifest.xml文件链接到应用程序的Android应…
Software Testing Testing with a Purpose Software testing is performed to verify that the completed software package functions according to the expectations defined by the requirements/specifications. The overall objective to not to find every softwar…
在这一步中,我们将会改变我们获取数据的方式. ·我们定义一个代表RESTful客户端的自定义服务.使用这个客户端,我们可以用一种更简单的方法向服务端请求数据,而不用处理更底层的$httpAPI,HTTP方法和URLs. 最重要的变化列举如下,您可以点击这里在GitHub上查看全部的不同. 依赖 RESTful功能由Angular的ngResource模块提供,这是从Angular核心模块中独立出来的. 由于我们使用了Bower来安装客户端的依赖,这一步更新bower.json配置文件来添加新的依…
原文: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modules You can create and retrieve modules with the angular.modul…
*/ .hljs { display: block; padding: 0.5em; background: #F0F0F0; } .hljs, .hljs-subst, .hljs-tag .hljs-title, .lisp .hljs-title, .clojure .hljs-built_in, .nginx .hljs-title { color: black; } .hljs-string, .hljs-title, .hljs-constant, .hljs-parent, .hl…
1.切换目录 git checkout step- npm start 2.效果图 效果图和step 10的没有什么差别,这里主要的改动都是代码,代码做了很多优化,这里效果图就不再贴出来了. 3.实现代码 step-10和step-11之间的差别: Dependencies (依赖的JS): { "name": "angular-seed&…
If your unit test has no dependencies or only has simple dependencies on Android, you should run your test on a local development machine. This testing approach is efficient because it helps you avoid the overhead of loading the target app and unit t…
---------------------------Scope-------------------------------- What are Scopes? Scope is an object(是一个数据模型) that refers to the application model. It is an execution context(scope是表达式的执行上下文) for expressions. Sc…
开发环境 1.npm 安装最新的Nodejs,便包含此工具.类似Nuget一样的东西,不过与Nuget不同的是,这玩意完全是命令行的.然后用npm来安装开发环境,也就是下边的angular cli. 2.Angular Cli 通过命令行创建项目,“编译”代码,启动调度环境等功能.angular本身使用typescript编写,需要通过ng命令,将相关的ts代码转换成js代码,以便在浏览器中运行. 安装angular cli npm install -g @angular/cli 3.IDE 复…