const { List } = require('immutable-ext'); const Right = x => ({ chain : f => f(x), ap : other =>, traverse : (of, f) => f(x).map(Right), map : f => Right(f(x)), fold : (f, g) => g(x), concat : o => o.fold(_ => Right(x…
monoids is a semi-group with a neutral element. A semigroup, it does not have an element to return so it's not a safe operation, whereas with the monoids we could take as many as we possibly want, even none, and still return us back something. It's a…
Awesome系列的.Net资源整理.awesome-dotnet是由quozd发起和维护.内容包括:编译器.压缩.应用框架.应用模板.加密.数据库.反编译.IDE.日志.风格指南等. 算法与数据结构(Algorithms and Data structures) Algorithmia - Algorithm and data-structure library for .NET 3.5 and up. Algorithmia contains sophisticated algorithms…
原文链接: Frontend Development Looking for something else? Take a look at the awesome collection of other awesome lists. Guides Bento: a collection of guides for web development. Hack Design: An easy to…
算法与数据结构(Algorithms and Data structures) 应用程序接口(API) 应用程序框架(Application Frameworks) 模板引擎(Application Templates) 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence) 程序集与装配件(Assembly Manipulation) 资源(Assets) 验证与授权(Authentication and Authorization) Books Build Automation Cach…
nlp-roadmap nlp-roadmap is Natural Language Processing ROADMAP(Mind Map) and KEYWORD for students those who have interest in learning Natural Language Processing. The roadmap covers the materials from basic pro…
开源工具包: Guava : Google Collection Apache:Commons Collecton 1.1 Google Collections Guava:google的工程师利用传说中的“20%时间”开发的集合库,它是对jdk提供的扩展,提供了很多使用的类来简化代码 jar包: 源码下载: 下载git工具:(易于本地增加分支和分布式的特性) msysgit:…
Docker Compose 一键部署Nginx代理Tomcat集群 目录结构 [root@localhost ~]# tree compose_nginx_tomcat/ compose_nginx_tomcat/ ├── docker-compose.yml ├── mysql │   ├── conf │   │   └── my.cnf │   └── data ├── nginx │   ├── Dockerfile │   ├── nginx-1.12.1.tar.gz │   └─…
A curated list of Artificial Intelligence (AI) courses, books, video lectures and papers. Updated 2018 Copied from:…
We've seen how we can transduce from arrays or other iterables, but plain objects aren't iterable in Javascript. In this lesson we'll modify our transduce() function so that it supports iterating from plain objects as well, treating each key value pa…