In this lesson we will look at how we can setup our npm scripts to execute when the file system has changed. Some common examples of this are automatically linting your code, running unit tests, or using a pre-processor for your CSS. Install: npm i -…
In this lesson we will look at running several npm scripts in parallel. Sometimes you don’t need scripts to be run in series and switching them to run in parallel can increase performance since they are not blocking each other. At the end you need to…
After creating several npm script it becomes useful to run multiple scripts back-to-back in series. This is a nice feature because you can enforce that one script needs to complete before starting another one. "scripts": { "start": &qu…
In this lesson we will look about how we can integrate with git hooks to help enforce a certain level of quality before you either commit your code or push to a remote repository. Install: npm i -D husky Add script: For each commit: "precommit":…
npm run allows you to configure scripts inside of your package.json file which can access locally installed node packages. If you're comfortable with this technique, you can also grunt, gulp, or other build tools by customizing your scripts and savin…
npm run eject 暴露隐藏的文件,不可逆 结果出现下面的问题 This git repository has untracked files or uncommitted changes: 这个git存储库有未跟踪的文件或未提交的更改在git上还有自己没有提交的项目,初始化git就好了 先 git add . 然后 git commit -m "init" 然后再npm run eject 然后我的就好了…
今天在学习tslint的时候,按照git clone下angular2-webpack-starter的代码执行npm run lint时,虽然代码进行了检测,但检测完成后npm始终报错, //package.json 报错的配置 "scripts": { "lint": "tslint \"src/**/*.ts\"", }, //返回的错误 npm ERR! Windows_NT 6.1.7601 npm ERR! arg…
最近一段时间在用electron+vue做内部项目的一键构建发布系统的桌面应用,现就其中打包流程写个备注,以示记录. Windows环境打包:1.首先贴一下package.json. { "name": "******",//隐藏项目名 "version": "**.**.**",//隐藏版本号 "author": "*** <***>",//隐藏作者信息 "des…
npm link & run npm script npm link命令可以将一个任意位置的npm包链接到全局执行环境,从而在任意位置使用命令行都可以直接运行该npm包. app-cmd.cmd #!/usr/bin/env node echo "666" && npm run app package.json { "scripts&quo…
在初始化 npm install 了基本依赖后: npm run dev 报错: error in ./server/index.js Module build failed: Error: Plugin/Preset files are not allowed to export objects, only functions. In C:\Users\L\Desktop\Nuxt\nuxt-learn\node_modules\backpack-core\babel.js at create…