delphi Firemonkey ListView 使用参考】的更多相关文章

delphi Firemonkey ListView 使用参考 Tokyo版本…
Firemonkey ListView 的点击事件一直让人摸不着头绪(各平台触发规则不太相同),因为它提供了点击相关的事件就有如下: OnChange:改变项目触发. OnClick:点击触发. OnItemClick:点击项目触发 Windows 平台:按下立即触发,放开后接着触发 OnItemClickEx. Android 平台:按下立即触发,不用放开接着 OnItemClickEx(按钮 Button 触发顺序与 Widnows 相同,要放开才会触发 OnItemClickEx). 下列…
delphi Firemonkey ListBoxItem自绘 ListBoxItem1的事件ListBoxItem1Paint procedure TForm1.ListBoxItem1Paint(Sender: TObject; Canvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRectF); begin if (Sender as TListBoxItem).IsSelected then begin Canvas.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.Solid;…
Delphi Firemonkey Button ImageList 按钮图标 在上面 界面上,选择Button,放个ImageList控件,添加图标到ImageList. 然后关联Button和ImageList.设置ImageIndex属性. 然后Button右键Edit Style>选择Text>Align>Bottom; TGlyph>Align>Client OK啦. 也可以设置两个之间的高度!…
Introduction to color gradients in Delphi FireMonkey. Video This video covers the basics of color gradients in Delphi FireMonkey This can be applied any component that has a Fill property such as Shapes (TRectangle, TElipse) and event the background…
Get and set the Z Order of controls at runtime in Delphi FireMonkey. This is a follow on to my earlier post where I provided a VCL solution.Now Ive created a free FireMonkey unit that has the same get and set routines as the VCL solution.  The full s…
Go Up to FireMonkey Application Design Contents [hide]  1 Customizing the List View Appearance Properties 1.1 Footer properties 1.2 Header properties 1.3 List item properties 1.4 Edited list item properties 1.5 How to Modify List View Appearance Prop…
说明:展示 ListView 视其每一行 Item 的 Detail 字串长度自动调整高度(可每行高度不同). 适用:Delphi XE7 / XE8 源码下载:[原创]ListView_自动计算行高(by龟山阿卍).zip procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); ..] of String = (' ,'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnop…
首次用Delphi XE6 开发安卓程序,并没有在网上找到连接远程MySQL服务器的文档,自己摸索一番,发现UniDAC控件新版本也已支持了FireMonkey下的开发.遂记下连接方法和大家分享. 1.新建FireMonkey Mobile Application 2.在设计界面上放上三个控件:TUniConnection(命名为con1).TUniQuery(命名为unqry1).TMySQLUniProvider 3.将TUniQuery的"Connection"属性绑定为TUni…
Apple iPhone X 推出后,全屏上多了一个浏海,虽然褒贬不一,也有 Xcode 开发者做出了不错的 ListView 效果,当然 Delphi 也不落人後,马上试做看看. 源码下载:[示例]ListView仿iPhoneX浏海 适用:Delphi 10.1.2 Berlin(需修改源码 FMX.ListView.pas) 效果:…