When you're on the way which is unknown and dangerous, just follow your mind and steer the boat. 软件模式: 设计模式.体系结构模式.分析模式.过程模式等. 体系结构模式 ANSIIEEEStd1471一200对体系结构的定义:一个系统的基本组织,表现为系统的组件.组件之间的相互关系.组件和环境之间的相互关系以及设计和进化的原则. 黑板模式 黑板模式是一种常用的架构模式,应用中的多种不同数据处理逻辑相…
The Module Pattern Modules Modules are an integral piece of any robust application's architecture and typically help in keeping the units of code for a project both cleanly separated and organized. In JavaScript, there are several options for impleme…
The Observer Pattern The Observer is a design pattern where an object (known as a subject) maintains a list of objects depending on it (observers), automatically notifying them of any changes to state. When a subject needs to notify observers about s…
设计模式是一套被反复使用.多数人知晓的.经过分类编目的.代码设计经验的总结,使用设计模式的目的是提高代码的可重用性,让代码更容易被他人理解,并保证代码可靠性.它是代码编制真正实现工程化. 四个关键元素:(1) Pattern Name, (2) Problem, (3) Solution, (4) Consequences. 01. Factory Method Pattern /* The product should be created by his own factory. */ Log…
The Singleton Pattern The Singleton pattern is thus known because it restricts instantiation of a class to a single object. Classically, the Singleton pattern can be implemented by creating a class with a method that creates a new instance of the cla…
In classical object-oriented programming languages, a constructor is a special method used to initialize a newly created object once memory has been allocated for it. In JavaScript, as almost everything is an object, we're most often interested in ob…
Ref: 软件设计的七大原则 有时间的话,还需进一步深入理解. Figure, 重要的前五个原则 单一职责原则 (Simple responsibility pinciple SRP) 类的设计趋向于:Use Case Diagram --> (derived) --> Detail 就一个类而言,应该仅有一个引起它变化的原因,如果你能想到多于一个的动机去改变一个类,那么这个类就具有多于一个的职责.应该把多于的指责分离出去,分别再创建一些类来完成每一个职责. 开-闭原则 (Open-Close…
Chain of Responsibility in the Real World The idea of the Chain Of Responsibility is that it avoids coupling the sender of the request to the receiver, giving more than one object the opportunity to handle the request.  This process of delegation app…
ylbtech-图书-软件架构:<Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software>(即后述<设计模式>一书) <Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software>(即后述<设计模式>一书),由 Erich Gamma.Richard Helm.Ralph Johnson 和 John Vlissides 合…
This pattern involves a single class which provides simplified methods required by client and delegates calls to methods of existing system classes. /** * Design Patterns - Facade Pattern * https://www.tutorialspoint.com/design_pattern/facade_pattern…