javascript两行代码按指定格式输出日期时间,具体看代码: function date2str(x,y) { var z ={y:x.getFullYear(),M:x.getMonth()+1,d:x.getDate(),h:x.getHours(),m:x.getMinutes(),s:x.getSeconds()}; return y.replace(/(y+|M+|d+|h+|m+|s+)/g,function(v) {return ((v.length>1?"0"…
public class TimeFour { public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException{ TimeFour four = new TimeFour(); four.test(); } public void test() throws ParseException{ Date date = new Date(); DateFormat df3 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyy-MM-dd HH…
通过指定的起始时间,创建该时间段内以年.月.日为时间段的临时表 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[YOUR_SP_Name] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @StartTime DATETIME ,@EndTime DATETIME ASBEGIN -- 将开始时间赋值给临时变量 DECLARE @TempTime DATETIME SET @TempT…