New convocation of The Fool Land's Parliament consists of N delegates. According to the present regulation delegates should be divided into disjoint groups of different sizes and every day each group has to send one delegate to the conciliatory commi…
~>>_<<~ 咳咳!!!今天写此笔记,以防他日老年痴呆后不会解方程了!!! Begin ! ~1~, 首先呢,就看到了一个 gcd(a,b),这是什么鬼玩意呢?什么鬼玩意并不重要,重要的她代表的含义,其实呢,gcd(a,b)就表示 非负整数 a 和 b(不同时为0) 的最大公约数,(数论概论上说:计算 a 与 b 的最大公因数的更低效方法是我女儿四年级老师教的方法,老师要求学生求出 a 与 b 的所有因数,然后找出同时出现在两个表中的最大数字. YES!A good idea f…
Diophantus of Alexandria Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 2269 Accepted Submission(s): 851 Problem Description Diophantus of Alexandria was an egypt mathematician living in Ale…