转自:https://codesequoia.wordpress.com/2010/04/19/what-are-cbr-vbv-and-cpb/ It's common mistake to to consider CBR (Constant Bit Rate) as "every frame is allocated the same number of bits". If it were the case, then what would be the purpose of P…
Part 1 <06/05/07 12:08pm> Manao | he is negating a float by printing it, adding a "-" to the string, and converting it back to float <06/05/07 12:08pm> Manao | in the process, of course, he doesn't free the allocated string <06/05…
CBR(Constant Bit Rate)是以恒定比特率方式进行编码,有Motion发生时,由于码率恒定,只能通过增大QP来减少码字大小,图像质量变差,当场景静止时,图像质量又变好,因此图像质量不稳定.这种算法优先考虑码率(带宽). 这个算法也算是码率控制最难的算法了,因为无法确定何时有motion发生,假设在码率统计窗口的最后一帧发生motion,就会导致该帧size变大,从而导致统计的码率大于预设的码率,也就是说每秒统计一次码率是不合理的,应该是统计一段时间内的平均码率,这样会更合理一些.…