传送门 题意:给你一棵带点权的树,多次询问路径的最大异或和. 思路: 线性基上树?? 倍增维护一下就完了. 时间复杂度O(nlog3n)O(nlog^3n)O(nlog3n) 代码: #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define ri register int #define fi first #define se second using namespace std; typedef long long ll; const int rlen=1<<18|1; i…
PROGRAM zdemo_dialog. INCLUDE zdemo_dialogtop. INCLUDE zdemo_dialogo01. INCLUDE zdemo_dialogi01. INCLUDE zdemo_dialogf01. INCLUDE zdemo_dialoghelp. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& 包含 ZDEMO_…
Golang How To Install Go and Set Up a Local Programming Environment on macOS Build A Go API 40+ practical string tips [cheat sheet] Using Go Modules Practical Go: Real world advice for writing maintainable Go programs Why are my Go executable files s…
前不久入职实习生,现在在帮着组里面dalao们跑Case,时不时要上去收一下有木有Dump,每次敲命令太烦人于是逼着自己学写Shell脚本.一开始真的是很痛苦啊,也没能搞到书,只能凭网上半真半假的消息照葫芦画瓢!废话少说,上正文! =========================我是分割线========================= clear echo "Check_dump is a tool help you check dumps" numberOfSPs= comma…
1.Algorithm - at least one leetcode problem per week(Medium+) 986. Interval List Intersections https://leetcode.com/problems/interval-list-intersections/ Medium Basic sorting and one time scan, be sure to process the start and end of each interval,…