Custom Diagrams】的更多相关文章

Custom Diagrams You can create custom ER diagrams that can contain any tables, relations and notes.However, even custom diagrams may contain only real existing database entities (tables). You ca…
A couple of weeks or so ago, I picked up an inlink from an OCLC blog post about Visualizing Network Flows: Library Inter-lending. The post made use of Sankey diagrams to represent borrowing flows, and by implication suggested that the creation of suc…
异常处理汇总-后端系列 应用场景:ViewModel==>Mode映射的时候出错 AutoMappe r错误信息:Unmapped members were found. Review the types and members below.Add a custom mapping expression, ignore, add a custom resolver, or modify the sour…
原文地址: Spring provides a range of annotations with names starting with Enable*, these annotations in essence enable certain Spring managed features t…
本文主要介绍如何添加一个custom application page as site welcome page 1.首先创建一个sharepoint 2013 empty solution, add a custom application page(farm only)named MyHomePage. 2.自定义这个MyHomePage,显示所需信息,包括后台代码的编辑. 3.更改MyHomePage.aspx页面首页<%@ Assembly Name="$SharePoint.Pr…
前言  说起Custom Element那必然会想起那个相似而又以失败告终的HTML Component.HTML Component是在IE5开始引入的新技术,用于对原生元素作功能"增强",虽然仅仅被IE所支持,虽然IE10也开始放弃它了,虽然掌握了也用不上,但还是不影响我们以研究的心态去了解它的:) 把玩HTML Component  HTML Component简称HTC,它由定义和应用两部分组成.定义部分写在.htc文件中(MIME为text/x-component),由HTC…
前言  通过<WebComponent魔法堂:深究Custom Element 之 面向痛点编程>,我们明白到其实Custom Element并不是什么新东西,我们甚至可以在IE5.5上定义自己的alert元素.但这种简单粗暴的自定义元素并不是我们需要的,我们需要的是具有以下特点的自定义元素: 自定义元素可通过原有的方式实例化(<custom-element></custom-element>,new CustomElement()和document.createEle…
前言  最近加入到新项目组负责前端技术预研和选型,一直偏向于以Polymer为代表的WebComponent技术线,于是查阅各类资料想说服老大向这方面靠,最后得到的结果是:"资料99%是英语无所谓,最重要是UI/UX上符合要求,技术的事你说了算.",于是我只好乖乖地去学UI/UX设计的事,木有设计师撑腰的前端是苦逼的:(嘈吐一地后,还是挤点时间总结一下WebComponent的内容吧,为以后作培训材料作点准备. 浮在水面上的痛 组件噪音太多了!  在使用Bootstrap的Modal组…
本文转自: One of the new features from ASP.NET Core 1.0 is the idea of Middleware. Middleware are components of an application that examine the requests responses coming in t…
本文转自: The PrincipalPermissionAttribute is a declarative means of controlling access to service methods. When using this attribute, the PrincipalPermissionMode enumeration specifies the m…