4.7.6 Compaction of LR Parsing Tables】的更多相关文章

4.7.6 Compaction of LR Parsing Tables A typical programming language grammar with 50 to 100 terminals and 100 productions may have an LALR parsing table with several hundred states. The action function may easily have 20,000 entries, each requiring a…
4.7.3 Canonical LR(1) Parsing Tables We now give the rules for constructing the LR(1) ACTION and GOTO functions from the sets of LR(1) items. These functions are represented by a table, as before. The only difference is in the values of the entries.…
4.7.5 Efficient Construction of LALR Parsing Tables There are several modifications we can make to Algorithm 4.59 to avoid constructing the full collection of sets of LR(1) items in the process of creating an LALR(1) parsing table. First, we can repr…
4.7.4 Constructing LALR Parsing Tables We now introduce our last parser construction method, the LALR (lookahead-LR) technique. This method is often used in practice, because the tables obtained by it are considerably smaller than the canonical LR ta…
4.4 Top-Down Parsing Top-down parsing can be viewed as the problem of constructing a parse tree for the input string, starting from the root and creating the nodes of the parse tree in preorder (depth-first, as discussed in Section 2.3.4). Equivalent…
原文链接:https://www.cs.uic.edu/~spopuri/cparser.html Satya Kiran PopuriGraduate StudentUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoChicago, IL 60607spopur2 [at] uic [dot] eduWed Sep 13 12:24:25 CDT 2006 Table of Contents Introduction Prerequisites The LR Parser An…
基于虎书实现LALR(1)分析并生成GLSL编译器前端代码(C#) 为了完美解析GLSL源码,获取其中的信息(都有哪些in/out/uniform等),我决定做个GLSL编译器的前端(以后简称编译器或FrontEndParser). 以前我做过一个CGCompiler,可以自动生成LL(1)文法的编译器代码(C#语言的).于是我从<The OpenGL ® Shading Language>(以下简称"PDF")找到一个GLSL的文法,就开始试图将他改写为LL(1)文法.等…
高德纳(Donald Ervin Knuth,1938年),美国著名计算机科学家,斯坦福大学电脑系荣誉教授.高德纳教授被誉为现代计算机科学的鼻祖,在计算机科学及数学领域发表了多部 具广泛影响的论文和著作,与Edsger Wybe Dijkstra并称为我们这个时代最伟大的计算机科学家的人. 高德纳还是The Art of Computer Programming(中译本<计算机程序设计艺术>)的作者以及TeX和Metafont排版软件的发明人.   简历 1963年高德纳获得加州理工数学博士学…
4.8 Using Ambiguous Grammars It is a fact that every ambiguous grammar fails to be LR and thus is not in any of the classes of grammars discussed in the previous two sections. However, certain types of ambiguous grammars are quite useful in the speci…
Chapter 12 Lexer and parser generators (ocamllex, ocamlyacc) This chapter describes two program generators: ocamllex, that produces a lexical analyzer from a set of regular expressions with associated semantic actions, and ocamlyacc, that produces a…