Compare two branches: branch_1 and branch_2: git diff branch_1…branch_2 Merge specified files of one branch(e.g. branch_name) into current branch: git checkout branch_name ./src/…/file1 ./src/…/file2 ./src/…/file3 Change the committed comments: git c…
Comparing Workflows The array of possible workflows can make it hard to know where to begin when implementing Git in the workplace. This page provides a starting point by surveying the most common Git workflows for enterprise teams. As you read throu… Comparing Workflows The array of possible workflows can make it hard to know where to begin when implementing Git in the workplace. This page provides a starting point by surveying the most…
You can set up global "git config" settings that apply to all git projects on your system. In this lesson, we review how the ./gitconfig file works. We then add our own git config settings: username, email, editor, and git aliases. There are man… Getting a Git Repository You can get a Git project using two main approaches. The first takes an existing project or directory and imports it into Git. The second clones an existing Git r…
latex Table of Contents 1. Presentation/Slides with Beamer 2. Drawing in LaTex With TikZ 3. Tracked changes and comments with todonotes 4. Latex 4.1. nomenclature in article 4.2. section without number 4.3. page break 4.4. defining a new environment…
About this Course Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. In the past decade, machine learning has given us self-driving cars, practical speech recognition, effective web search, and a vastly i…