Darlington Pair】的更多相关文章

今天注意到在PWM输出电路中有个器件叫ULN2003,它是达林顿管阵列,该型号应该是通用型号,因为我看到ST和TI都有对应型号的产品. 达林顿管以前没听过,赶紧补一补,而所谓的阵列也就是八个达林顿管封装在一起,其中共射级. 达林顿管的原理也相当的简单,当初就是因为一个叫达林顿的人想到了用两个NPN的三极管组合在一起,以提高放大倍数,就有了后来的所谓达林顿管. 上图是达林顿管的基本原理示意图. 该图是摘自TI公司ULN2003A产品的规格书. 在大学模电课程中,对于三极管的输出特性曲线都应该印象深…
Transistor Tutorial Summary Transistor Tutorial Summary Bipolar Junction Transistor Tutorial We can summarise this transistors tutorial section as follows: The Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) is a three layer device constructed form two semiconduct…
LDO Regulator High accuracy voltage regulator Vout = 2.5V * (1 + ( 5.6 / 6.8 ) ) = 4.55V Recently the author had to adapt  a standard circuit configuration  (which often uses an npn bipolar) so as to operate as a low-dropout (LDO) regulator. The circ…
1. 包含头文件: #include <utility> 2. pair 的操作: pair<T1,T2> p; pair<T1,T2> p(v1,v2); pair<T1,T2> p = {v1,v2}; make_pair(v1,v2) p.first p.second p1 relop p2 p1 == p2 p1 != p2 3. 4.…
这些天我在用React和D3做图表,从已经实现的图表里复制了一些坐标轴的代码,发现坐标轴上的n个点里,只有第一个点下面能渲染出文字提示,其余点下面都无法渲染出文字. 和组里的FL一起百思不得其解好几天,其他地方也是这么实现的,为毛这就不好使?格式化函数有问题? 今天HY从TWU回来,我跟她请教这事,HY一听马上说:这是css样式控制的,你看这块,first-child ... 我想说,为啥你没有早点回来跟我pair做这块...…
Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 262144/262144 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 3192    Accepted Submission(s): 371 Problem Description You are given a rooted tree of N nodes, labeled from 1 to N. To the ith node a non-negat…
#include<iostream> #include<cmath> #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<string> #include<stack> #include<queue> #include<map> #include<cstdlib> #include<set> #inc…
STL的pair,有两个值,可以是不同的类型. template <class T1, class T2> struct pair; 注意,pair在头文件utility中,不要include.(一个错误是 include <pair>) 成员类型 first_type first的类型 second_type second的类型 成员变量 first 第一个值 second 第二个值 成员函数 构造函数   pair:: operator =   pair:: swap  …
传送门 Problem Statement You are given a tree where each node is labeled from 1 to n. How many similar pairs(S) are there in this tree? A pair (A,B) is a similar pair if the following are true: node A is the ancestor of node B abs(A−B)≤T Input format: T…
uva12546. LCM Pair Sum One of your friends desperately needs your help. He is working with a secret agency and doing some encoding stuffs. As the mission is confidential he does not tell you much about that, he just want you to help him with a specia…