ZC: 我的示例代码(Delphi):http://www.cnblogs.com/CodeSkill/p/8341464.html 1.资料: 如何用代码设置环境变量?-CSDN论坛.html(http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/50445308) 如何修改Windows系统环境变量 _ 蓝讯.html(http://www.lxway.com/261806661.htm) How to propagate environment variables to the syste…
Eclipse启动时出现错误: A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit(JDK) must be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtualmachine was found after searching the following locations: D:\eclipse\jre\bin\javaw.exe javaw.exe in your current…
一不小心把PATH变量清空了,所有的命令都执行不了了,提示“xxx: command not found”,解决办法:在命令行输入export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin , 然后将/etc/profile 恢复原状 # /etc/profile # System wide environment and startup programs, for login setup…
windows 环境变量%SystemDrive% 和%SystemRoot%.%AppData%.%LocalAppData%.%TEMP% 等简写 假设操作系统安装在 C: 盘 %SYSTEMROOT% == c:\windows ( the root windows directory:If OS Windows is installed on another drive letter, then C: needs to be replaced with the correspondin…