经过了今天下午将近两个小时的激烈讨论,我们最终确定了我们的团队贡献分的分配方式,这种方式是我们团队都能接受的. 我们的分配方式一定程度上借鉴了valve公司的队友评估原则,但是又不单单是这样.我们的分配方式有预评估和二次评估两个阶段: 预评估:每个组员根据自己对其他组员的平时印象,对他的能力.热心.责任心等的了解,在团队项目开始之前,预先对他所能做出的.该做出的贡献进行估计,最终对应到一定分数.可以看出预估计只是非常粗鲁的估计,并不科学,但是它的作用却不容小觑:结合总评估,预估计能够平衡团队贡献…
Father Christmas flymouse Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 131072K Total Submissions: 3241   Accepted: 1099 Description After retirement as contestant from WHU ACM Team, flymouse volunteered to do the odds and ends such as cleaning out the computer…
Father Christmas flymouse Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 131072K Description After retirement as contestant from WHU ACM Team, flymouse volunteered to do the odds and ends such as cleaning out the computer lab for training as extension of his contr…
After retirement as contestant from WHU ACM Team, flymouse volunteered to do the odds and ends such as cleaning out the computer lab for training as extension of his contribution to the team. When Christmas came, flymouse played Father Christmas to g…
来源poj3160 After retirement as contestant from WHU ACM Team, flymouse volunteered to do the odds and ends such as cleaning out the computer lab for training as extension of his contribution to the team. When Christmas came, flymouse played Father Chri…
Father Christmas flymouse Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 131072K Total Submissions: 3007   Accepted: 1021 Description After retirement as contestant from WHU ACM Team, flymouse volunteered to do the odds and ends such as cleaning out the computer…
Latest Paho Status (2) 摘自:http://modelbasedtesting.co.uk/ I last wrote about the state of Paho in October. This post is a continuation of that one. Java Client Some of you might know that James Sutton, who is co-project lead with me and has worked on…
Father Christmas flymouse Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 131072K Total Submissions: 3479   Accepted: 1185 Description After retirement as contestant from WHU ACM Team, flymouse volunteered to do the odds and ends such as cleaning out the computer…
Father Christmas flymouse Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 131072K Description After retirement as contestant from WHU ACM Team, flymouse volunteered to do the odds and ends such as cleaning out the computer lab for training as extension of his contr…
NSDI '13 概要 OpenSketch是一个通用的.抽象的测量框架, 与SDN 网络架构类似, OpenSketch 提出将测量控制层和数据层解耦. 数据层运行设为可动态配置的3阶段流水线, 首先对数据流进行Hash运算以减少需要测量的数据量; 其次在分类阶段, 通过定制并匹配通配符规则实现对流量的分类; 最后在流量计数阶段, 根据不同精度需求, 每个流对应一个或多个计数器以实现流信息统计.整合和回溯. 文章中还提到, 通过灵活地组合Hash运算.分类和计数功能实现对不同sketch 方法…
Introduction In accordance with the definition of instantaneous sound intensity as the product of the instantaneous acoustic pressure and the instantaneous particle velocity, an intensity measurement system should incorporate transducers of each of t…
机器学习中的相似性度量(Similarity Measurement) 在做分类时常常需要估算不同样本之间的相似性度量(Similarity Measurement),这时通常采用的方法就是计算样本间的“距离”(Distance). 采用什么样的方法计算距离是很讲究,甚至关系到分类的正确与否.在其他领域也经常见到它的影子, 现在对常用的相似性度量作一个总结. 目录: 1. 欧氏距离 2. 曼哈顿距离 3. 切比雪夫距离 4. 闵可夫斯基距离 5. 标准化欧氏距离 6. 马氏距离 7. 夹角余弦…
Teamwork Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65535/65535 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 497 Accepted Submission(s): 258 Problem DescriptionSome locations in city A has been destroyed in the fierce battle. So the government decid…
在做分类时常常需要估算不同样本之间的相似性度量(Similarity Measurement),这时通常采用的方法就是计算样本间的“距离”(Distance).采用什么样的方法计算距离是很讲究,甚至关系到分类的正确与否. 本文的目的就是对常用的相似性度量作一个总结. 本文目录: 1. 欧氏距离 2. 曼哈顿距离 3. 切比雪夫距离 4. 闵可夫斯基距离 5. 标准化欧氏距离 6. 马氏距离 7. 巴氏距离(Bhattacharyya Distance) 8. 汉明距离(Hamming dista…
一.There is an internal error in the React performance measurement code.Did not expect componentDidMount timer to start while render timer is still in progress for another instance 二._this3._toDetail is not a function.(In ‘this3._toDetail()’,’_this3._…
Teamwork Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=4494 Description Some locations in city A has been destroyed in the fierce battle. So the government decides to send some workers to repair these location…
When it comes to the NBA draft, experts tend to argue about a number of things: at which position will a player be selected? what is the best draft class ever? etc… Luckily, the wealth of data made available by the great people ofhttp://www.basketbal…
Scrum Learning 概念 Scrum是迭代式增量软件开发过程,通常用于敏捷软件开发.Scrum包括了一系列实践和预定义角色的过程骨架.Scrum中的主要角色包括同项目经理类似的Scrum主管角色负责维护过程和任务,产品负责人代表利益所有者,开发团队包括了所有开发人员.虽然Scrum是为管理软件开发项目而开发的,它同样可以用于运行软件维护团队,或者作为计划管理方法:Scrum of Scrums. 特性 scrum过程 Scrum是一个包括了一系列的实践和预定义角色的过程骨架(是一种流程…
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载.http://www.cnblogs.com/tsec/p/8413537.html 0. 导读 TXT基本原理篇介绍了TXT安全度量的基本概念,包括静态度量和动态度量.只有确保度量是真实的.准确的和受保护的,度量代码和配置才有意义.那么构成"安全"度量需要定义信任链(Chain of Trust),并确保:1. 度量是基于硬件的:2. 度量是免受篡改受保护的.对TXT而言,信任根(Root of Trust)就是CPU,信任根是启动…
MSU Video Quality Measurement Tool(msu vqmt)是莫斯科国立大学(Moscow State University)的Graphics and Media Lab制作的一款客观视频质量评价程序.它提供了多种全参考视频质量评价方法(对比两个视频)和无参考视频质量评价方法(分析一个视频). 软件地址:http://www.compression.ru/video/quality_measure/video_measurement_tool_en.html 软件工…
Bear and Contribution 对于对于5余数为, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4的分别处理一次, 用优先队列贪心. #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define LL long long #define fi first #define se second #define mk make_pair #define PLL pair<LL, LL> #define PLI pair<LL, int> #define PII pair<in…
Learn GIT TEAMWORK generalizations Congratulations, you now know enough to start collaborating on Git projects! Let's review. A remote is a Git repository that lives outside your Git project folder. Remotes can live on the web, on a shared network or…
一. 数据的计量尺度(Levels of Measurement) 一般认为,数据是对客观现象计量的结果.按照对事物计量的精确程度,可将所采用的计量尺度由低级到高级分为四个层次: 1.定类尺度(Nominal Level /列名尺度):按照事物的某种属性对其进行平行的分类或分组.例:人口的性别(男.女):企业的所有制性质(国有.集体.私营等) n  计量层次最低 n  对事物进行平行的分类 n  各类别可以指定数字代码表示 n  具有=或¹的数学特性 n  数据表现为“类别” l  定类尺度只测…
好气啊,好几天的代码提交后发现没有contribution,强迫症表示不能忍,仔细排查了下原因 可能有以下几个原因 1.提交代码的用户名和邮箱和账号不符合 方法1:git命令行设置用户名和邮箱 git config user.email //查看目前提交的email git config user.email XXXX //XXXX代表设置的email git config user.name//查看目前提交的name git config user.name XXXX //XXXX代表设置的n…
Transmit Rated Emission (FCC) AC power conducted emission.-FCC 15.207 Minimum 6 dB bandwidth. -500kHz Minimum -(FCC 15.247(a).2) Power spectral density. 8dBm/3kHz Maximum (FCC 15.247(d))RF power output. 30dBm Maximum at Antenna Output with 6dBi anten…
android studio  com.google.android.gms:play-services 运行报错:java.lang.VerifyError: com/google/android/gms/measurement/internal/zzw 折腾一下午 头大啊.... 和公司大牛一番搜索才知道,这个问题的原因是multidexing.在一些手机multidexing不工作.可能是由于安卓版本问题. 解决方法 : public class BaiduApp extends BDGa…
说明: 在Loadrunner监控windows系统资源的时候,在添加好windows Resources后运行发现报如下错误: int: Check that there is such a measurement on this machine. Check that you selected the right platform. for the monitored machine in the Add Machine dialog box. Note: When you monitor…
SIGCOMM17 摘要 在现有的网络测量任务中包括流量监测.数据收集和一系列网络攻击的预防.现有的基于sketch的测量算法存在严重性能损失.大量计算开销以及测量的精确性不足,而基于硬件的优化方法并不适合sketch.为了完成这些任务,设计了一种基于纯软件包转发的网络测量框架,并改进现有算法提出了两种算法.这个网络测量框架具有高性能(line-rate).高精度.广泛性(适用于多种sketch算法).自动化(自动调节负载)的特点.框架包括数据平面和控制平面,每个软件交换机对应一个数据平面,每个…
E. Bear and Contribution 题目连接: http://www.codeforces.com/contest/658/problem/E Description Codeforces is a wonderful platform and one its feature shows how much someone contributes to the community. Every registered user has contribution - an integer…
Using a PN-junction diode for temperature measurement usually depends on its 2‑mV/K temperature  coefficient. Conventionally, you must amplify and digitize this voltage with an ADC before you can use the value in a microcontroller. Less well-known is…