
es启动默认不能使用root用户,所以需要新创建一个用户来启动. 启动时可能出现的问题: [1]: max file descriptors [4096] for elasticsearch process is too low, increase to at least [65536] [2]: max number of threads [1024] for user [esuser1] is too low, increase to at least [4096] [3]: max vir…
1.max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144] 解决: [root@localhost config]# sysctl -a |grep vm.max vm.max_map_count = 65530 [root@localhost config]# sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 vm.max_map_count = 2…
在配置完elasticsearch,启动程序会包如下错误: [elk@localhost bin]$ ./elasticsearch ... ... ERROR: [3] bootstrap checks failed [1]: max file descriptors [65535] for elasticsearch process is too low, increase to at least [65536] [2]: max number of threads [1024] for u…
问题描述,elasticsearch启动时报max file descriptors错误: [hadoop@node-33 elasticsearch-5.4.0]$ bin/elasticsearch [2017-11-10T14:14:46,268][INFO ][o.e.n.Node ] [node-3] initializing ... [2017-11-10T14:14:46,344][INFO ][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment ] [node-3] using [1]…
/var/log/message里的错误消息大概如下: Feb 13 09:32:50 cluster-node2 haproxy-systemd-wrapper: [ALERT] 043/093250 (6538) : Starting proxy rabbitmq-cluster-management: cannot bind socket [] Feb 13 09:32:50 cluster-node2 haproxy-systemd-wrapper:…
spring-boot整合es的application.properties的默认配置为: spring.data.elasticsearch.cluster-nodes=localhost:9200 将端口号改成9300即可解决failed to load elasticsearch nodes错误 拓展:如果es的安装版本为2.x,那么spring-boot对应的版本要大于1.4.0.RC1版本![结果来源于stackoverflow]…
一.elasticsearch错误复现 (一).环境 配置环境 OS:CentOS 7.4 64bit elasticsearch版本: - ip: java版本:java -version "1.8.0_181" (二).错误复现 首先要获取必须的软件包 wget -P /var/ftp/ https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-5.4.1.tar.gz wget -…
xampp启动时显示的错误为: 10:40:18 [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.10:40:18 [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies, 10:40:18 [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.10:40:18 [Apache] Press t…
描述 win7 重新安装Docker 后启动  Docker Quickstart Terminal 出现如下错误 Starting "default"... (default) Check network to re-create if needed... Unable to start the VM: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe startvm default --type headless failed: V…
http://blog.csdn.net/dong123dddd/article/details/21372179 xampp启动时显示的错误为: 9:52:41  [Apache] Attempting to start Apache app... 9:52:41  [Apache] Status change detected: running 9:52:42  [Apache] Status change detected: stopped 9:52:42  [Apache] Error:…