CNN 权重可视化 How convolutional neural networks see the world An exploration of convnet filters with Keras Note: all code examples have been updated to the Keras 2.0 API on March 14, 2017. You will need Keras version 2.0.0 or higher to run them. In this…
LSTM 可视化 Visualizing Layer Representations in Neural Networks Visualizing and interpreting representations learned by machine learning / deep learning algorithms is pretty interesting! As the saying goes — “A picture is worth a thousand words”, the s…
MNIST手写数字集 MNIST是一个由美国由美国邮政系统开发的手写数字识别数据集.手写内容是0~9,一共有60000个图片样本,我们可以到MNIST官网免费下载,总共4个.gz后缀的压缩文件,该文件是二进制内容. train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz: training set images 图片样本,用来训练模型 train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz: training set labels 图片样本对应的数字标签 t10k-images-…
In this step-by-step Keras tutorial, you’ll learn how to build a convolutional neural network in Python! In fact, we’ll be training a classifier for handwritten digits that boasts over 99% accuracy on the famous MNIST dataset. Before we begin, we sho…