Amontec JTAGkey (FT2232)】的更多相关文章

The JTAGkey is based on the FTDIChip FT2232L, is a USB 2.0 device and is used for: On-Chip Debugging In-System Programming Boundary-Scan Testing…
发现个USB ID站点,对于做设备管理识别的小伙伴特别实用 附录: # # List of USB ID's # # Maintained by Stephen J. Gowdy <> # If you have any new entries, please submit them via # # or s…
Correctly installing OpenOCD includes making your operating system give OpenOCD access to debug adapters. Once that has been done, Tcl commands are used to select which one is used, and to configure how it is used. Note: Because OpenOCD started out w…
Linux/drivers/usb/serial/ftdi_sio.h /* 2 * Driver definitions for the FTDI USB Single Port Serial Converter - 3 * known as FTDI_SIO (Serial Input/Output application of the chipset) 4 * 5 * For USB vendor/product IDs (VID/PID), please see ftdi_sio_ids…
New version released ! V2.45 (Check version list for details) This construction is based on HappyJTAG Idea, to implement JTAG interface into target avr system and debug it remotly via USB, without specific JTAGICE hardware. All job is done by PC soft…
原文出处: 之前建立stm32开发环境,程序也已经编译好生成main.bin,接下来就是要把该文件烧录到stm32上.在linux下给arm烧录程序主要使用openocd,这个软件开源,而且支持众多芯片,从ARM9到A8都可以,当然STM32也可以.支持的JTAG工具也很多,JLINK ST-LINK OSBDM都可以,我这正好有一个openjtag基于FT2232C的,也是被支持的.  … Bus Blaster v2 is an experimental, high-speed JTAG debugger for ARM processors, FPGAs, CPLDs, flash, and more. Thanks to a reprogrammable buffer, a simple USB update makes Bus Blaster v2 compatible with…
// 文章首发于 // 但是不知道为什么搜索引擎还没有收录,便在博客再次发布. 0. 引言 意法半导体生产的 SH4 架构的 ST40 CPU 被广泛地用于机顶盒中. 对于DIY家庭硬件来说,救砖途径十分重要,尤其是在 FLASH 由于误操作被清空时,不能使用 u-boot 之类的 bootloader,JTAG 几乎就成了唯一较方便的救转方式. (当然还可以用编程器直接写 FLASH,不过贴片的 FLASH 芯片用烙铁…
The FT232H is the single channel version, the FT2232H is the dual-channel, and there is also anFT4232H quad channel part. While these are all logically the same, with different numbers of UART channels, there are some performance and functional diffe…
JTAG Finder Figuring out the JTAG Pinouts on a Device is usually the most time-consuming and frustrating process and Finding the pinouts for these ports allows you to access with correct JTAG Devices likeGPG ORT,  and JTAG Finder helps you to get sta…
reference: 1.      PCIe信号 名称 类型 描述 PCTP[3:0] PCTN[3:0] PCIE_O PCIe端口的差分发送数据 PCRP[3:0] PCRN[3:0] PCIE_I PCIe端口的差分接收数据 PCCLKP PCCLKN DIFF_I PCIe参考时钟输入 当在PCIe公共时钟模式(CLKMODE为高),PCCLKP/N要求时钟频率…
jtagger Versatile multiprogrammer for FPGAs, MCUs, etc. Well, it's not really just a jtagger, but I've been calling it that. It's also been christened the Bit Quacker... uh, because it quacks? *shrug* The basis for this design is sort of like the Bus…
Bus Blaster v4 design overview Bus Blaster v4 is an experimental, high-speed JTAG debugger for ARM processors, FPGAs, CPLDs, flash, and more. Thanks to a reprogrammable buffer, a simple USB update makes Bus Blaster v4 compatible with many different J…
用户在调试内嵌可综合内核的 CPU 如 ARM7TDMI-S 时,需要通过打开仿真器的自适应时钟功能. 此时,ARM仿真器根据 RTCK 时钟信号的频率,产生可用于 CPU 内核当前时钟主频的最快的 TCK 时钟. 即 ARM 内核的时钟主频变化,引起 RTCK 变化, 仿真器根据 RTCK 的变化,产生合适的最快的 TCK 时钟. 如果没有有效的 RTCK 信号,用户不能使用自适应时钟功能.这种情况下,用户可以设置 TCK 为比较低的频率. 当用户确认 CPU 运行在比较高的频率的情况下,可以…
Open JTAG Project is an open source hardware and software for a high speed USB JTAG tool. In this site, you can find and download all necesary files to make your JTAG device. The electric schematics, the PCB design including Gerber files, the VHDL pr…
FTDI公司的FT2232系列芯片可实现USB与异步串行口RS232/RS485.同步串行总线IIC/SPI/JTAG相互通信,市场占有率,使用普遍. FTDI芯片有两种类型的驱动:virtual COM port driver (VCP)和D2xx.VCP就是常用的U转串COM驱动,实现USB到虚拟串口功能,应用于异步RS232/RS485与USB间通信,linux设备文件为/dev/ttyUSBx:D2XX应用于同步串行总线IIC/SPI/JTAG与USB间通信,整个驱动框架都有FTDI公司… Introducing Turtelizer 2 Overview Turtelizer 2 had been developed to provide JTAG Flash programming and debugging of ARM based boards via USB. Typical target boards are Ethernut 3 , the Elektor Internet… The Papilio is an Open Source FPGA development board based on the Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA (datasheet). It has 48 I/O lines, dual channel USB, integrated JTAG programmer, 4 power supplies, and a power co…
本文转载自: Ubuntu 16.04下EasyOpenJTAG+OpenOCD的安装和使用 发布时间:2016-09-12 09:09:31来源:linux网站作者:heyuqian_csdn 操作系统:VMware fusion + Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS 开发板:JZ2440 V3 + EasyOpenJTAG   设备连接:   要烧写裸机程序离不开OpenJTAG,OpenJTAG包含了3大…
1. 测试中发现,跳线帽J2和J3连接的情况下,驱动不正常如图2,不连接的情况下,驱动正常,VCC_LDO_3V3给仿真器FT2232供电,VCC_BRD这个电源很奇怪,用途不清晰,VBAT_CC是给CC3200供电的,设计这三种电源的意图是测试功耗,方便跳线. 2. 驱动不正常 3. 驱动正常 4. 问题很奇怪,看下外接的EEPROM 5. 估计是硬件问题,暂不研究…
1. 本次使用利尔达的CC3200底板,完全兼容官方CC3200-LAUNCHXL,如果上电之后驱动识别为2路串口,是有问题的.原因是FT2232外接的EEPROM没有烧写固件. 2. 安装FT_Prog_v2.8.2.0 Installer.exe工具. 3. 打开软件 3. 选择Devices-> scan and parse,扫描到你的板子,如果没有烧写,基本全是FFFFF 4.选择需要烧写的xml文件,按下图操作,Apply Template 5. 烧写固件Program Device,…
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>oflash.exe leds.bin +---------------------------------------------------------+ | Flash Programmer v1.5.4 for OpenJTAG of | | OpenJTAG is a USB to JTAG & RS232 tool based FT2232 | | This programmer supp…
1.几个知识点(1)MicroPython 是 Python 3 语言的精简高效实现 ,包括Python标准库的一小部分,并针对嵌入式微控制器(单片机)和受限制的环境进行了优化,它是Python延伸出来的一个落地产物.MicroPython是运行在微控制器硬件之上的完全的Python编译器和运行时系统,它提供给用户一个交互式提示符(REPL)来立即执行所支持的命令.除了包括选定的核心Python库,MicroPython还包括了给予编程者访问低层硬件的模块. Micropython的由来,这得益…