Problem K. UTF-8 Decoder 题目连接: Description UTF-8 is a character encoding capable of encoding all possible characters, or code points, in Unicode. Nowadays…
Problem I. Alien Rectangles 题目连接: Description The spacecraft hovering above the surface of the faraway planet takes pictures of the landscape underneath f…
Problem H. Parallel Worlds 题目连接: Description Alex is a Baisuralen State University student. Alex and BSU live in two parallel worlds. As we know from scho…
Problem F. Turning Grille 题目连接: Description 'Turning grille' method is one of the simplest forms of transposition cipher. A variant of this method is as f…
Problem C. Cargo Transportation 题目连接: Description The shipping company offers two types of vehicles for bulk cargo transportation. A truck of the first ty…
Problem G. k-palindrome 题目连接: Description We will say that a string T is a k-palindrome for some positive integer k if and only if k is not grater than th…
Problem A. A + B 题目连接: Description Kastus recently got to know about complex numbers. But from all real numbers he was interested only in integers, so he…
2010 NEERC Western subregional Problem A. Area and Circumference 题目描述:给定平面上的\(n\)个矩形,求出面积与周长比的最大值. solution 枚举. 时间复杂度:\(O(n)\) Problem C. Canonical Binary Tree 题目描述:有\(n\)个点,每次拿出\(2^x<=n\)个点(\(x\)取最大)构成一棵满二叉树,将构成的树依次从左到右排列,然后从右到左依次合并最小的两棵树,构成一棵更大的二叉树…
2009-2010 ACM-ICPC, NEERC, Western Subregional Contest 排名 A B C D E F G H I J K L X 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 X 0 X 1 Problem C. Courier's Route 每个城市的度都为偶数,所以满足欧拉回路的条件,因此当n个城市都联通时,肯定有解.所以只需对每个城市进行欧拉, 输出路径的时候,枚举一下城市a和b之间哪个城市是有联系的即可. Problem D. Dales and Hills 求峰顶…
A-Area and Circumference 题目大意:在平面上给出$N$个三角形,问周长和面积比的最大值. #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> #include <stdio.h> #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <queue> #…