STM32F4: Generating parallel signals with the FSMC The goal: The memory controller can be used to generate a "generic" 16-bit parallel data stream with clock. Address generation will be disregarded, as well as other control signals dedicated to……
A system management mode (SMM) of operating a processor includes only a basic set of hardwired hooks or mechanisms in the processor for supporting SMM. Most of SMM functionality, such as the processing actions performed when entering and exiting SMM,…
AC actual cost 实际成本 ACWP actual cost of work performed 已完工作实际成本 BAC budget at completion 完工预算 BCWP budgeted cost of work performed 已完工作预算成本 BCWS budgeted cost of work scheduled 计划工作预算成本 CCB change control board 变更控制委员会 COQ cost of quality 质量成本 CPAF c…
论文地址:DeepFilterNet:基于深度滤波的全频带音频低复杂度语音增强框架 论文代码: Rikorose/DeepFilterNet 引用:Schröter H, Rosenkranz T, Maier A. DeepFilterNet: A Low Complexity Speech Enhancement Framework for Full-Band Audio based on Deep Filtering[J]. arXiv preprin…
0:开启GPIO时钟和FSMC时钟 1:配置GPIO 2:配置片选控制寄存器 3:配置片选时序寄存器 4:配置写入时序寄存器 GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;//GPIO配置寄存器 FSMC_NORSRAMInitTypeDef FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure;//片选控制寄存器 FSMC_NORSRAMTimingInitTypeDef readWriteTiming; //片选时序寄存器 FSMC_NORSRAMTimingInit…
STM32F4 SPI with DMA A few people have requested code, so I thought I’d post the code showing how I’ve configured my GPIO, timer, SPI, DMA and NVIC modules, along with some explanation of how the system works.Note that I’m using the STM32F4 Standard…
前言:感慨于居然不用tesselation也可以产生这么复杂的地形,当然致命的那个关于不能有洞的缺陷还是没有办法,但是这个赶脚生成的已经足够好了,再加上其它模型估 计效果还是比较震撼的.总之好文共分享吧.Ryan GeissNVIDIA Corporation 1.1 Introduction Procedural terrains have traditionally been limited to height fields that are generated by the CPU and…
GNU Parallel Tutorial Prerequisites Input sources A single input source Multiple input sources Linking arguments from input sources Changing the argument separator. Changing the argument delimiter End-of-file value for input source Skipping empty lin…
A novel massively parallel supercomputer of hundreds of teraOPS-scale includes node architectures based upon System-On-a-Chip technology, i.e., each processing node comprises a single Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). Within each ASIC n…