1672: [Usaco2005 Dec]Cleaning Shifts 清理牛棚 Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 414  Solved: 191[Submit][Status] Description Farmer John's cows, pampered since birth, have reached new heights of fastidiousness. They now require their barn to…
链接 题意:给你一些区间,每个区间都有一个花费,求覆盖区间 \([S,T]\) 的最小花费 题解 先将区间排序 设 \(f[i]\) 表示决策到第 \(i\) 个区间,覆盖满 \(S\dots R[i]\) 的最小花费 显然 \(f[i]=\min_{R[j]\ge L[i]}f[j]+w[i]\) 按照区间建线段树,插右端点即可 #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define REP(i,a,b) for(int i(a);i<=(b);++i) using names…
题目 1672: [Usaco2005 Dec]Cleaning Shifts 清理牛棚 Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MB Description Farmer John's cows, pampered since birth, have reached new heights of fastidiousness. They now require their barn to be immaculate. Farmer John, the most…
BZOJ_1672_[Usaco2005 Dec]Cleaning Shifts 清理牛棚_动态规划+线段树 题意:  约翰的奶牛们从小娇生惯养,她们无法容忍牛棚里的任何脏东西.约翰发现,如果要使这群有洁癖的奶牛满意,他不得不雇佣她们中的一些来清扫牛棚, 约翰的奶牛中有N(1≤N≤10000)头愿意通过清扫牛棚来挣一些零花钱.由于在某个时段中奶牛们会在牛棚里随时随地地乱扔垃圾,自然地,她们要求在这段时间里,无论什么时候至少要有一头奶牛正在打扫.需要打扫的时段从某一天的第M秒开始,到第E秒结束f0…
P4644 [Usaco2005 Dec]Cleaning Shifts 清理牛棚 你有一段区间需要被覆盖(长度 <= 86,399) 现有 \(n \leq 10000\) 段小线段, 每段可以从 \(l_{i}\) 到 \(r_{i}\) 花费为 \(s_{i}\) 求覆盖整个区间的最小花费 错误日志: 初始化时应该是 \(dp[L - 1]\) 为 \(0\) 而不是 \(dp[1]\) 为 \(0\) , 因为只需要覆盖 \([L, R]\) Solution 设 \(dp[n]\) 表…
[Usaco2005 Dec] Cleaning Shifts 清理牛棚 题目描述 Farmer John's cows, pampered since birth, have reached new heights of fastidiousness. They now require their barn to be immaculate. Farmer John, the most obliging of farmers, has no choice but hire some of th…
[BZOJ1672][Usaco2005 Dec]Cleaning Shifts Description Farmer John's cows, pampered since birth, have reached new heights of fastidiousness. They now require their barn to be immaculate. Farmer John, the most obliging of farmers, has no choice but hire…
题目传送门 清理牛棚 题目描述 Farmer John's cows, pampered since birth, have reached new heights of fastidiousness. They now require their barn to be immaculate. Farmer John, the most obliging of farmers, has no choice but hire some of the cows to clean the barn.…
题目描述 Farmer John's cows, pampered since birth, have reached new heights of fastidiousness. They now require their barn to be immaculate. Farmer John, the most obliging of farmers, has no choice but hire some of the cows to clean the barn. Farmer John…
题目描述 Farmer John's cows, pampered since birth, have reached new heights of fastidiousness. They now require their barn to be immaculate. Farmer John, the most obliging of farmers, has no choice but hire some of the cows to clean the barn. Farmer John…