错误描述 在jsp页面引入了自定义的TLD文件的时候,碰到了一个错误 Invalid tld file: "/WEB-INF/tags/xxxt.tld", see JSP 2.2 specification section 7.3.1 for more details 错误原因 不符合 JSP2.2 中对tags的规定. 规定说的是这个: In the jsp-2_2 JSP.7.3.1 Identifying Tag Library Descriptors Tag library…
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes at sun.security.util.SignatureFileVerifier.processImpl(SignatureFileVerifier.java:240) at sun.security.util.SignatureFileVerifier.…
Unity发布安卓项目,如果直接使用Unity打包APK一切Ok,导出Google项目 使用Idea打包 一进去直接Crash. 报错: 1978-2010/? E/Unity﹕ Invalid serialized file version. File: "/data/app/eran.project.b-1/base.apk/assets/bin/Data/globalgamemanagers". Expected version: 5.3.4f1. Actual version:…
错误:Error loading document: Invalid XOD file: Zip end header data is wrong size! 解决:https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/pdfnet-webviewer/f-mdkNRsEbI streaming = true azureWorkaround = false function initViewer(url){ var viewerElement = document.ge…
 Failed to collect files: Invalid descendent file name "codelog_ddz.\"(]))\",\').txt".    文件名中特殊字符,filezilla上删除重命名就好…
Solving a Spark error: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes When using spark-submit to run a jar, you may encounter this error: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes The error occurs when one of the included…
idea打包的jar文件在spark执行是报错: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest 通过以下命令解决: zip -d myjob.jar META-INF/*.RSA META-INF/*.DSA META-INF/*.SF…
近期在 iOS 开发中遇到了一个很蛋疼的问题,Xcode 工程中接入了iMessage 壁纸的功能后,每次上传 ipa 包都会显示此包无效,并报上述的错误描述:This bundle is invalid - The file extension must be .zip .经过反复的测试排查,总结出一个解决方案,在此跟大家分享一下: 1. 将 sticker extension 的target删除重新添加. 2. 将工程 clean up . 3. 将 products 下的内容删除,然后重新…
下面是使用Intellij 打包jar文件的步骤,之后会有运行jar文件时遇到的错误. 打包完成. ========================================================================== 运行jar出现问题: 1.找不到主类.打开jar文件包,在MANIFEST.MF文件中添加Main-Class:  包名.类名, 注意:包名前面有空格,类名没有.java或者.class后缀,最后一定要回车到下一行.让光标定位在空白行. 打开 2.j…
“Invalid configuration file. File "I:/My Virtual Machines/Windows XP english Professional/Windows XP Professional.vmx" was created by a VMware product with more features than this version of VMware Workstation and cannot be used with this versio…