1. File -> Settings ->Search LogCat 2. Save a schema first, for instance: MyLogCatStyle 3. choose 1 item, for instance Debug, then uncheck "use inherited attributes", then double click Foregound, choose the color you want.…
FindBugs:Compiler output path for module can not be null. check your module/project settings问题原因 Android studio 中文乱码问题解决 Android Studio显示主题/样式设置 Android Studio左边栏Project不见了? Android Studio快捷键设置成跟Eclipse一样 Android Studio如何安装插件 Android Studio代理设置(SDK下载…
因为自Android Studio 3.0开始弃用Android Device Monitor,Android Developers官网上的原话是: Android Device Monitor is a standalone tool that provides a UI for several Android app debugging and analysis tools. However, most components of the Android Device Monitor are…