malloc_error_break错误: .You'll find out what the object is when you break in the debugger. Just look up the call stack and you will find where you free it. That will tell you which object it is. . The easiest way to Goto Run -> Show -> Breakpoints (A…
主要原因是某部分内存释放的太频繁,解决方法是检查函数的中[xxx release]; 将其注释掉 就行了…
报错内容 YangTao(57008,0x7000002a0000) malloc: *** error for object 0x6180000d6490: pointer being freed was not allocated *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug 解决方法 @synchronized (self) { [self gl_setObject:anObject forKey:aKey]; }…
大家有时候会遇到这个错误 malloc: *** error for object 0x******: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed.*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug 先看下字面意思 对象0x****** 发生了错误:对一个已经被释放了的对象进行了不正确的校验.  你可能对已经被系统释放过…
I've fixed this error with Xcode 8 on iOS 8.3. I've just changed Deployment Target from 8.3 to 8.0. If the error appears now after migration to Xcode 8 and your device works under control iOS 8 it may be temporary decision. UPD: Xcode 8.1 beta is fix…
runtime error: load of null pointer of type 'const int' 要求返回的是int* 解决方案 1.指针使用malloc分配空间 用 int * p = (int * )malloc(sizeof(int)*2);取代 int a[2]={0}; 2.使用static 用 static int a[2]={0}; 取代 int a[2]={0};…
最近用VS2010 编译ceflib开源库是出现"怎样处理"error C2220: warning treated as error - no object file generated"错误" 产生原因为:有些Project编译选项中,Treat Warnings As Errors(把警告看作错误来处理)选项开启了. 只要把此选项关闭,就可以正常编译了. 在Solution中,选择libMXF工程,右键菜单中选择"Properties".弹… Django: Error: ‘ManyRelatedManager’ object is not iterable While trying to iterate through a list of objects in a Django template, I came across this error: “Caught an exception w…
HBase Error: connection object not serializable 想在spark driver程序中连接HBase数据库,并将数据插入到HBase,但是在spark集群提交运行过程中遇到错误:connection object not serializable 详细的错误: Exception in thread "main" DStream checkpointing has been…
unexpected error ConnectionError object has no attribute…