plist 中的每一页 utteranceSting 我们都创建了一个RWTPage.displayText.因此,每页的文本会一次性地显示出来. 由于 You've constructedeach RWTPage.displayTextfrom the combined utteranceStringsfor the page in the plist. So, your page view displays the entire page's text.However, remember t…
[iOS静态库的制作与引用] 1.Configuring Exported Headers To configure which headers are exported to clients, select your library project to open the project editor, select the library target to open the target editor, and select the build phases tab. If your li…
1.在桌面上建一个"apns_p12"文件夹,所有的保存和生成文件都放在这里 2.从钥匙串中生成CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest 3.从服务器上下载aps_development.cer和aps_production.cer文件,并导入到本机 4.从将"系统"钥匙串中“证书”的:Apple Development iOS Push和Apple Production iO…
涉及的 Session 有 Creating Extensions for iOS and OS X, Part 1 Creating Extensions for iOS and OS X, Part 2 总览 扩展 (Extension) 是 iOS 8 和 OSX 10.10 加入的一个非常大的功能点,开发者可以通过系统提供给我们的扩展接入点 (Extension point) 来为系统特定的服务提供某些附加的功能.对于 iOS 来说,可以使用的扩展接入点有以下几个: Today 扩展 -…
from urllib import parse,request import urllib header_dict = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko'} for i in range(1328,3000): url=""+str(i) req = request.Request(url=url, hea…