Makoto and a Blackboard time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Makoto has a big blackboard with a positive integer nn written on it. He will perform the following action exactly k…
Makoto has a big blackboard with a positive integer n written on it. He will perform the following action exactly k times: Suppose the number currently written on the blackboard is v . He will randomly pick one of the divisors of v (possibly 1 and v)…
题意:现在有一个数写在黑板上,它以等概率转化为它的一个约数,可以是1,问经过k次转化后这个数的期望值 题解:如果这个数是一个素数的n次方,那么显然可以用动态规划来求这个数的答案,否则的话,就对每个素因数求答案,再相乘 参考博客: ac代码: #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long #define pa pair<int,int> usi…