Towers of Hanoi Strike Back (URAL 2029)】的更多相关文章

Problem The Tower of Hanoi puzzle was invented by French mathematician Édouard Lucas in the second half of the 19th century. Here is its formulation. There are three rods, denoted by the letters A, B, and C, and n disks of different integer sizes fro…
题意:就是让你求出4个塔的汉诺塔的最小移动步数,(1 <= n <= 12) 那么我们知道3个塔的汉诺塔问题的解为:d[n] = 2*d[n-1] + 1 ,可以解释为把n-1个圆盘移动到一个临时柱子上,然后将1个最大圆盘移动到目标的主子,最后再将n-1个圆盘移动到目标柱子. 为什么是n-1和1的组合呢,因为当你将n-i个圆盘移动到一个临时柱子上的时候,你会发现只靠两个柱子最多能移动1个圆盘.所以这个i=1 如果推到到4个柱子的汉诺塔,f[n] = min(f[n],2*f[n-i]+d[i]…
ural 2029 Towers of Hanoi Strike Back 链接: 题意:汉诺塔问题,给定一串只有(A, B, C)的字符串(A代表在第一根柱子,B代表在第二根柱子,C代表在第三根柱子),从前往后代表盘子的大小,第 i 个字母代表di i 个盘子在某个柱子上.问移动给定字母状态的盘子最少需要多少步. 思路:首先,从后往前看(最大的盘子),如果不在当前柱子上,那么移动到目标柱子需要 2…
HDU2020 绝对值排序 题目链接 Problem Description 输入n(n<=100)个整数,按照绝对值从大到小排序后输出.题目保证对于每一个测试实例,所有的数的绝对值都不相等. Input 输入数据有多组,每组占一行,每行的第一个数字为n,接着是n个整数,n=0表示输入数据的结束,不做处理. Output 对于每个测试实例,输出排序后的结果,两个数之间用一个空格隔开.每个测试实例占一行. Sample Input 3 3 -4 2 4 0 1 2 -3 0 Sample Outp…
Hanoi双塔问题 时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 10  解决: 4[提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:外部导入] 题目描述 给定A,B,C三根足够长的细柱,在A柱上放有2n个中间有空的圆盘,共有n个不同的尺寸,每个尺寸都有两个相同的圆盘,注意这两个圆盘是不加区分的(下图为n=3的情形).现要将 这些国盘移到C柱上,在移动过程中可放在B柱上暂存.要求: (1)每次只能移动一个圆盘: (2) A.B.C三根细柱上的圆盘都要保持上小下大的顺序: 任务:设An为2n个圆盘完…
Problem A new academic year approaches, and the dean must make a schedule of classes for first-year students. There must be n classes in the schedule. The dean should take into account the following interesting observation made in recent years: stude…
Problem This year at Monsters University it is decided to arrange Scare Games. At the Games all campus gathers at the stadium stands, and the Scare program students divide into two teams to compete in their abilities of scaring children. This year th…
题目传送门 Strange Towers of Hanoi Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 3117   Accepted: 2004 Description Background Charlie Darkbrown sits in another one of those boring Computer Science lessons: At the moment the teacher just exp…
The Towers of Hanoi Revisited Time Limit: 5 Seconds Memory Limit: 32768 KB Special Judge You all must know the puzzle named ��The Towers of Hanoi��. The puzzle has three pegs and N discs of different radii, initially all disks are located on the firs…
Description You all must know the puzzle named "The Towers of Hanoi". The puzzle has three pegs and N discs of different radii, initially all disks are located on the first peg, ordered by their radii - the largest at the bottom, the smallest at…