When the drivers for a device are installed, the installer uses information in an information (INF) file to determine which driver is the function driver and which drivers are filters. Typically the INF file is provided either by Microsoft or by the…
百度百科:http://baike.baidu.com/view/637107.htm?fr=ala0_1_1 INF简介 INF是Device INFormation File的英文缩写,是Microsoft公司为硬件设备制造商发布其驱动程序推出的一种文件格式,是Windows操作系统下用来描述设备或文件等数据信息的文件.INF文件是由标准的ASCII码组成,您可以用任何一款文字编辑器查看修改其中的内容.一般我们总是认为INF文件是系统设备的驱动程序,其实这是错误的认识,Windows之所以在…
INF Files for Bears of Little BrainMay 1, 2003Brian Catlin Copyright � 2003 by Brian Catlin. All rights reserved Just the other day, while walking through the hundred acre wood, I was accosted by the local fauna. "Excuse me", asked a small pink…