Advice In this section we first discuss the use of annotations for simple advice declarations. Then we show how thisJoinPoint and its siblings are handled in the body of a…
java AOP使用注解@annotation方式实践 场景: 在目标方法前面和后面执行通知方法 目标类 @Component public class Play { public void watchTV(){ System.out.println("目标执行方法,正在看电视"); } } 切面类 public class WatchTVAspect { public void beforeAdvice(){ System.out.println("切点函数执行前的方法&q…
According to wikipedia aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm that aims to increase modularity by allowing the separation of cross-cutting concerns. Let's imagine we have serveral modules in a project, each of the them is worki…
接上一篇 Java AOP (1) compile time weaving [Java 切面编程 (1) 编译期织入] Dynamic proxy 动态代理 Befor talking about runtime weaving, let's take a look at Java dynamic proxy. 在说运行时织入之间,我们先看看java动态代理 public class DynamicProxyTest { public interface Vehicle { void wh…